(2008-05-21 11:52:53) mysql error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_99` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTCLA_P`) REFERENCES `spe_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTC)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM spe_estpro1 WHERE codemp = '0001' and codest1 = '12' and estcla_p = 'T' and ano_presupuesto = 2008, ) (2008-05-21 11:54:09) mysql error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_99` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTCLA_P`) REFERENCES `spe_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTC)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM spe_estpro1 WHERE codemp = '0001' and codest1 = '12' and estcla_p = 'T' and ano_presupuesto = 2008, ) (2008-05-21 12:17:12) mysql error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_99` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTCLA_P`) REFERENCES `spe_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTC)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM spe_estpro1 WHERE codemp = '0001' and codest1 = '12' and estcla_p = 'T' and ano_presupuesto = 2008, ) (2008-05-21 12:25:37) mysql error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_estpro3`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_656` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTCLA_P`, `CODEST2`) REFERENCES `spe_estpro2` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `COD)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM spe_estpro2 WHERE ano_presupuesto = 2008 and codemp = '0001' and codest1 = '12' and codest2 = '654321' and estcla_p = 'T', ) (2008-05-21 12:34:58) mysql error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_estpro4`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_888` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST3`, `CODEST1`, `ESTCLA_P`, `CODEST2`) REFERENCES `spe_estpro3` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CO)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM spe_estpro3 WHERE ano_presupuesto = 2008 and codemp = '0001' and codest1 = '12' and codest2 = '654321' and codest3 = '2345' and estcla_p = 'T', ) (2008-05-21 12:38:32) mysql error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_estpro5`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_85` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEST3`, `CODEST1`, `ESTCLA_P`, `CODEST2`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST4`) REFERENCES `spe_estpro4` (`ANO_PRESUPU)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM spe_estpro4 WHERE ano_presupuesto = 2008 and codemp = '0001' and codest1 = '12' and codest2 = '654321' and codest3 = '2345' and codest4 = '567788' and estcla_p = 'T', ) (2008-05-22 09:01:20) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-05-22 09:23:16) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-05-22 09:24:07) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-05-22 15:28:48) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-05-22 15:29:37) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-05-23 09:21:14) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-05-23 18:09:27) mysql error: [1146: Table 'db_sfp_2008.generaldaos' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `generalDaos`") (2008-05-26 09:09:16) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-05-26 09:54:28) mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'CODEST1' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select * from sigesp_estados where CODEST1=''") (2008-05-26 09:54:43) mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'CODEST1' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select * from sigesp_estados where CODEST1=''") (2008-05-26 09:56:00) mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'CODEST1' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select * from sigesp_estados where CODEST1=''") (2008-05-26 12:36:23) mysql error: [1146: Table 'db_sfp_2008.sigesp_minicipio' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `sigesp_minicipio`") (2008-05-26 12:37:08) mysql error: [1146: Table 'db_sfp_2008.sigesp_minicipio' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `sigesp_minicipio`") (2008-05-26 13:05:57) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-05-26 13:05:57) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-05-26 13:05:58) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-05-27 17:33:14) mysql error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro1`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_54` FOREIGN KEY (`CODEMP`, `CODUAC`) REFERENCES `sfp_estructura_org` (`CODEMP`, `CODUAC`))] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','2008','UU',NULL), ) (2008-05-27 17:36:57) mysql error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro1`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_54` FOREIGN KEY (`CODEMP`, `CODUAC`) REFERENCES `sfp_estructura_org` (`CODEMP`, `CODUAC`))] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','2008','UU',NULL), ) (2008-05-27 17:40:59) mysql error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro1`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_54` FOREIGN KEY (`CODEMP`, `CODUAC`) REFERENCES `sfp_estructura_org` (`CODEMP`, `CODUAC`))] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','2008','UU',NULL), ) (2008-05-27 17:53:01) mysql error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001--' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','2008','UU',NULL), ) (2008-05-27 17:54:01) mysql error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001--' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','2008','UU',NULL), ) (2008-05-27 17:59:14) mysql error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001--' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','2008','UU',NULL), ) (2008-05-27 18:01:31) mysql error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001--' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','2008','UU',NULL), ) (2008-05-27 18:06:36) mysql error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro1`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_15` FOREIGN KEY (`CODEMP`) REFERENCES `sigesp_sfp_empresa` (`codemp`))] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(coduac,denestpro1) VALUES (NULL,NULL), ) (2008-05-27 18:08:54) mysql error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro1`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_15` FOREIGN KEY (`CODEMP`) REFERENCES `sigesp_sfp_empresa` (`codemp`))] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(coduac,denestpro1) VALUES (NULL,NULL), ) (2008-05-29 09:07:56) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-05-29 09:07:56) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-05-29 09:07:57) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-05-29 09:07:57) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-05-29 09:08:29) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-05-29 09:08:30) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-05-29 09:08:30) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-05-29 09:08:31) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-05-30 10:26:35) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-05-30 16:07:49) mysql error: [1146: Table 'db_sfp_2008.generaldaos' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `generalDaos`") (2008-05-30 16:53:16) mysql error: [1048: Column 'CODEST1' cannot be null] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_relacion_es(codemp,codinte,codest1,codest2,codest3,codest4,codest5,estcla_p,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,codestpro4,codestpro5,estcla,ano_presupuesto,sig_codemp,codmanzana,codsector,codpar,codmun,codest,codpai,codparcela,spe_codemp,codorgej,ano_desde,ano_hasta) VALUES ('0001','',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'32323232',NULL,'','001','002','058',NULL,NULL,NULL,'2007','2008'), ) (2008-05-30 16:56:25) mysql error: [1048: Column 'ESTCLA_P' cannot be null] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_relacion_es(codemp,codinte,codest1,codest2,codest3,codest4,codest5,estcla_p,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,codestpro4,codestpro5,estcla,ano_presupuesto,sig_codemp,codmanzana,codsector,codpar,codmun,codest,codpai,codparcela,spe_codemp,codorgej,ano_desde,ano_hasta) VALUES ('0001','','12','654321','2345','567788','876554576',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'32323232',NULL,'','001','002','058',NULL,NULL,'0001','2007','2008'), ) (2008-05-30 16:58:04) mysql error: [1048: Column 'ESTCLA_P' cannot be null] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_relacion_es(codemp,codinte,codest1,codest2,codest3,codest4,codest5,estcla_p,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,codestpro4,codestpro5,estcla,ano_presupuesto,sig_codemp,codmanzana,codsector,codpar,codmun,codest,codpai,codparcela,spe_codemp,codorgej,ano_desde,ano_hasta) VALUES ('0001','','12','654321','2345','567788','876554576',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'32323232',NULL,'','001','002','058',NULL,NULL,'0001','2007','2008'), ) (2008-05-30 17:06:25) mysql error: [1048: Column 'CODESTPRO1' cannot be null] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_relacion_es(codemp,codinte,codest1,codest2,codest3,codest4,codest5,estcla_p,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,codestpro4,codestpro5,estcla,ano_presupuesto,sig_codemp,codmanzana,codsector,codpar,codmun,codest,codpai,codparcela,spe_codemp,codorgej,ano_desde,ano_hasta) VALUES ('0001','','12','654321','2345','567788','','ttt',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'32323232',NULL,'','002','008','058',NULL,NULL,'0001','2007','2008'), ) (2008-05-30 17:13:34) mysql error: [1048: Column 'CODESTPRO1' cannot be null] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_relacion_es(codemp,codinte,codest1,codest2,codest3,codest4,codest5,estcla_p,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,codestpro4,codestpro5,estcla,ano_presupuesto,sig_codemp,codmanzana,codsector,codpar,codmun,codest,codpai,codparcela,spe_codemp,codorgej,ano_desde,ano_hasta) VALUES ('0001','','12','654321','2345','567788','876554576','ttt',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'ww','443',NULL,'32323232',NULL,'','002','011','058',NULL,NULL,'0001','2007','2008'), ) (2008-05-30 17:17:18) mysql error: [1048: Column 'CODESTPRO3' cannot be null] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_relacion_es(codemp,codinte,codest1,codest2,codest3,codest4,codest5,estcla_p,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,codestpro4,codestpro5,estcla,ano_presupuesto,sig_codemp,codmanzana,codsector,codpar,codmun,codest,codpai,codparcela,spe_codemp,codorgej,ano_desde,ano_hasta) VALUES ('0001','','12','654321','2345','567788','876554576','ttt','32323232','',NULL,NULL,NULL,'ww','443',NULL,NULL,NULL,'','003','002','058',NULL,NULL,'0001','2007','2008'), ) (2008-05-30 17:20:26) mysql error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_5` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `E)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro2(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,estcla,denestpro2) VALUES ('2008','0001','32323232','67677','T','6676767676'), ) (2008-05-30 17:20:49) mysql error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_5` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `E)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro2(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,estcla,denestpro2) VALUES ('2008','0001','32323232','323232','T','2332323'), ) (2008-05-30 17:21:38) mysql error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_5` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `E)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro2(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,estcla,denestpro2) VALUES ('2008','0001','32323232','1212','T','2.22'), ) (2008-05-30 17:23:03) mysql error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_5` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `E)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro2(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,estcla,denestpro2) VALUES ('2008','0001','32323232','123223','T','2323232323'), ) (2008-05-30 17:26:51) mysql error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_5` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `E)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro2(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,estcla,denestpro2) VALUES ('2008','0001','32323232','232323','T','34434343434'), ) (2008-05-30 17:27:54) mysql error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_5` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `E)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro2(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,estcla,denestpro2) VALUES ('2008','0001','32323232','32323','T','232343434'), ) (2008-05-30 17:30:29) mysql error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_5` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `E)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro2(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,estcla,denestpro2) VALUES ('2008','0001','32323232','2323','T','2323232323232'), ) (2008-06-02 09:13:54) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-02 09:14:05) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-02 09:45:53) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-02 15:17:58) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-02 15:17:58) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-02 15:18:00) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-02 15:18:00) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-02 15:21:11) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-02 15:21:11) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-02 15:21:12) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-02 15:21:12) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-03 09:29:38) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-03 09:56:25) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-03 12:48:56) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-03 15:25:03) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-04 09:35:49) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-04 09:35:57) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-04 09:37:04) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-04 09:37:56) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-04 09:38:22) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-04 09:38:29) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-04 11:23:51) mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%%'' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select * from sigesp_plan_unico_re2 WHERE like '%%' ") (2008-06-04 11:25:13) mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%%'' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select * from sigesp_plan_unico_re2 WHERE like '%%' ") (2008-06-04 11:25:59) mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%%'' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select * from sigesp_plan_unico_re2 WHERE like '%%' ") (2008-06-04 11:37:38) mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%i%'' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select * from sfp_fuentefinanciamientos WHERE like '%i%' ") (2008-06-04 11:37:42) mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%im%'' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select * from sfp_fuentefinanciamientos WHERE like '%im%' ") (2008-06-04 11:38:03) mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%im%'' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select * from sfp_fuentefinanciamientos WHERE like '%im%' ") (2008-06-04 11:39:05) mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%i%'' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select * from sfp_fuentefinanciamientos WHERE like '%i%' ") (2008-06-04 11:39:08) mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%im%'' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select * from sfp_fuentefinanciamientos WHERE like '%im%' ") (2008-06-04 11:39:09) mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%imds%'' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select * from sfp_fuentefinanciamientos WHERE like '%imds%' ") (2008-06-04 11:39:09) mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%imds%'' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select * from sfp_fuentefinanciamientos WHERE like '%imds%' ") (2008-06-04 11:40:03) mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%imds%'' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select * from sfp_fuentefinanciamientos WHERE like '%imds%' ") (2008-06-04 11:41:41) mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'denfuefin' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select * from sigesp_plan_unico_re2 WHERE sig_cuenta like'3%' and denfuefin like '%i%'") (2008-06-04 11:41:41) mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'denfuefin' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select * from sigesp_plan_unico_re2 WHERE sig_cuenta like'3%' and denfuefin like '%im%'") (2008-06-04 11:42:16) mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'denfuefin' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select * from sigesp_plan_unico_re2 WHERE sig_cuenta like'3%' and denfuefin like '%im%'") (2008-06-04 11:42:29) mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'denfuefin' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select * from sigesp_plan_unico_re2 WHERE sig_cuenta like'3%' and denfuefin like '%i%'") (2008-06-04 11:42:29) mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'denfuefin' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select * from sigesp_plan_unico_re2 WHERE sig_cuenta like'3%' and denfuefin like '%im%'") (2008-06-04 11:42:59) mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'denfuefin' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select * from sigesp_plan_unico_re2 WHERE sig_cuenta like'3%' and denfuefin like '%im%'") (2008-06-04 11:43:00) mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'denfuefin' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select * from sigesp_plan_unico_re2 WHERE sig_cuenta like'3%' and denfuefin like '%im%'") (2008-06-04 11:43:23) mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'denfuefin' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select * from sigesp_plan_unico_re2 WHERE sig_cuenta like'3%' and denfuefin like '%i%'") (2008-06-04 11:43:25) mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'denfuefin' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select * from sigesp_plan_unico_re2 WHERE sig_cuenta like'3%' and denfuefin like '%i%'") (2008-06-04 11:43:29) mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'denfuefin' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select * from sigesp_plan_unico_re2 WHERE sig_cuenta like'3%' and denfuefin like '%im%'") (2008-06-05 09:22:01) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-06 09:21:30) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-06 09:21:35) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-06 09:21:36) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-06 09:21:36) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-06 09:23:02) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-06 09:23:02) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-09 09:04:54) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-09 09:04:54) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-09 15:32:12) mysql error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0003-0001' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_fuentefinanciamientos(cod_fuenfin,codemp,denfuefin,expfuefin) VALUES ('0003','0001','Fides','Expicacion'), ) (2008-06-11 12:48:41) mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(UPDATE sfp_conf_niveles SET nivel=1,nombre_pest='sss',tipo='PL' WHERE codnivel=, ) (2008-06-11 16:41:38) mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(UPDATE sfp_conf_niveles SET nivel=2,nombre_pest='ddddd',tipo='EA' WHERE codnivel=, ) (2008-06-11 16:46:30) mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(UPDATE sfp_conf_niveles SET nivel=2,nombre_pest='eeeiiii',tipo='PR' WHERE codnivel=, ) (2008-06-11 16:46:45) mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(UPDATE sfp_conf_niveles SET nivel=4,nombre_pest='22gggg',tipo='EA' WHERE codnivel=, ) (2008-06-12 09:50:35) mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'nombre_pest='ddf',tipo='PR' WHERE codnivel=' at line 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(UPDATE sfp_conf_niveles SET nivel=,nombre_pest='ddf',tipo='PR' WHERE codnivel=, ) (2008-06-12 16:42:47) mysql error: [1146: Table 'db_sfp_2008.estadmins' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `EstAdmins`") (2008-06-12 16:46:54) mysql error: [1146: Table 'db_sfp_2008.estadmins' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `EstAdmins`") (2008-06-12 16:47:45) mysql error: [1146: Table 'db_sfp_2008.estadmins' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `EstAdmins`") (2008-06-12 16:47:55) mysql error: [1146: Table 'db_sfp_2008.estadmins' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `EstAdmins`") (2008-06-12 17:26:25) mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select t1.* from sfp_estructura_org as t1 inner join sfp_estructura_org as t2 on t2.CODUAC_P =t1.CODUAC where t2.CODUAC_P=") (2008-06-12 17:27:49) mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select t1.* from sfp_estructura_org as t1 inner join sfp_estructura_org as t2 on t2.CODUAC_P =t1.CODUAC where t2.CODUAC_P=") (2008-06-12 17:30:14) mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'E1' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select t1.* from sfp_estructura_org as t1 inner join sfp_estructura_org as t2 on t2.CODUAC_P =t1.CODUAC where t2.CODUAC_P=E1") (2008-06-13 09:58:15) mysql error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-UU' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estructura_org(codemp,coduac,codzona,denuac,resuac,tipuac,coduac_p) VALUES ('0001','UU',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL), ) (2008-06-13 10:23:41) mysql error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estructura_org`, CONSTRAINT `FK_sfp_estructura_org_re` FOREIGN KEY (`CODEMP`, `CODUAC_P`) REFERENCES `sfp_estructura_org` (`CODEMP`, `CODUAC`))] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estructura_org(codemp,coduac,codzona,denuac,resuac,tipuac,coduac_p) VALUES ('0001','23232',NULL,'232323',NULL,NULL,'NULL'), ) (2008-06-13 10:32:06) mysql error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estructura_org`, CONSTRAINT `FK_sfp_estructura_org_re` FOREIGN KEY (`CODEMP`, `CODUAC_P`) REFERENCES `sfp_estructura_org` (`CODEMP`, `CODUAC`))] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estructura_org(codemp,coduac,codzona,denuac,resuac,tipuac,coduac_p) VALUES ('0001','455',NULL,'5555',NULL,NULL,'NULL'), ) (2008-06-16 09:37:21) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-16 09:37:21) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-16 09:37:44) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-16 09:37:44) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-16 09:37:55) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-16 09:37:55) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-16 09:37:56) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-16 09:37:56) mysql error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-17 15:39:36) mysql error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_99` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTCLA_P`) REFERENCES `spe_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTC)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM spe_estpro1 WHERE codemp = '0001' and codest1 = '3' and estcla_p = 'T' and ano_presupuesto = 2008, ) (2008-06-17 15:40:10) mysql error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_99` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTCLA_P`) REFERENCES `spe_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTC)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM spe_estpro1 WHERE codemp = '0001' and codest1 = '3' and estcla_p = 'T' and ano_presupuesto = 2008, ) (2008-06-17 15:41:14) mysql error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_99` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTCLA_P`) REFERENCES `spe_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTC)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM spe_estpro1 WHERE codemp = '0001' and codest1 = '3' and estcla_p = 'T' and ano_presupuesto = 2008, ) (2008-06-17 17:23:36) mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM sfp_conf_niveles WHERE codnivel = , ) (2008-06-17 17:53:18) mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(UPDATE sfp_conf_niveles SET nivel=1,nombre_pest='Esta es el primer nivel',tipo='PR' WHERE codnivel=, ) (2008-06-17 17:53:44) mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(UPDATE sfp_conf_niveles SET nivel=1,nombre_pest='Esta es el primer ochenta',tipo='PR' WHERE codnivel=, ) (2008-06-17 18:26:53) mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(UPDATE sfp_conf_niveles SET nivel=4,nombre_pest='The Next',tipo='PL' WHERE codnivel=, ) (2008-06-18 09:03:54) mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(UPDATE sfp_conf_niveles SET nivel=4,nombre_pest='esto es el otro',tipo='PL' WHERE codnivel=, ) (2008-06-18 16:06:14) mysql error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-loco-T' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_estpro1(codemp,codest1,estcla_p,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denest1) VALUES ('0001','loco','T','2008','UU','loco'), ) (2008-06-18 16:24:16) mysql error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_99` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTCLA_P`) REFERENCES `spe_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTC)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM spe_estpro1 WHERE codemp = '0001' and codest1 = 'eee' and estcla_p = 'T' and ano_presupuesto = 2008, ) (2008-06-18 16:26:07) mysql error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_99` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTCLA_P`) REFERENCES `spe_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTC)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM spe_estpro1 WHERE codemp = '0001' and codest1 = 'eee' and estcla_p = 'T' and ano_presupuesto = 2008, ) (2008-06-18 16:29:18) mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select * from spe_estpro2 where ") (2008-06-18 16:30:09) mysql error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select * from spe_estpro2 where ") (2008-06-18 16:40:08) mysql error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-eee-T' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_estpro1(codemp,codest1,estcla_p,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denest1) VALUES ('0001','eee','T','2008','UU','eeee'), ) (2008-06-18 16:40:12) mysql error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_99` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTCLA_P`) REFERENCES `spe_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTC)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM spe_estpro1 WHERE codemp = '0001' and codest1 = 'eee' and estcla_p = 'T' and ano_presupuesto = 2008, ) (2008-06-18 18:25:22) mysql error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro3`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_6` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`, `CODESTPRO2`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro2` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `C)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro3(ano_presupuesto,codemp,denestpro3) VALUES ('2008','0001',NULL), ) (2008-06-19 10:38:52) mysql error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001--' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','2008','UU',NULL), ) (2008-06-19 10:40:41) mysql error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001--' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','2008','UU',NULL), ) (2008-06-19 10:42:17) mysql error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001--' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','2008','UU',NULL), ) (2008-06-19 10:45:24) mysql error: [1048: Column 'CODESTPRO1' cannot be null] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1 (codemp,codestpro1,estcla,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001',null,null,2008,'UU',null), ) (2008-06-19 10:45:41) mysql error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001--' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','2008','UU',NULL), ) (2008-06-19 10:46:05) mysql error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001--' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','2008','UU',NULL), ) (2008-06-19 10:49:24) mysql error: [1048: Column 'CODESTPRO1' cannot be null] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1 (codemp,codestpro1,estcla,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001',null,null,2008,'UU',null), ) (2008-06-19 10:50:00) mysql error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001--' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','2008','UU',NULL), ) (2008-06-19 11:45:24) mysql error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000023-T' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1 (codemp,codestpro1,estcla,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','00000000000000000000000233','T',2008,'UU',''), ) (2008-06-19 12:02:48) mysql error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_5` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `E)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro2(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,estcla,denestpro2) VALUES ('2008','0001','0000000000000000000000022','0000000000000000000000022','T','2222222'), ) (2008-06-19 12:08:43) mysql error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_5` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `E)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro2(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,estcla,denestpro2) VALUES ('2008','0001','0000000000000000000002222','0000000000000000000002222','T','33333'), ) (2008-06-19 12:11:34) mysql error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_5` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `E)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro2(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,estcla,denestpro2) VALUES ('2008','0001','0000000000000000000000009','0000000000000000000000009','T','3434343434'), ) (2008-06-19 12:14:30) mysql error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_5` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `E)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro2(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,estcla,denestpro2) VALUES ('2008','0001','0000000000000000000000007','0000000000000000000000007','T','55555'), ) (2008-06-19 12:18:03) mysql error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_5` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `E)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro2(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,estcla,denestpro2) VALUES ('2008','0001','0000000000000000000002222','0000000000000000000002222','T','2222'), ) (2008-06-19 12:19:55) mysql error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_5` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `E)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro2(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,estcla,denestpro2) VALUES ('2008','0001','0000000000000000000002222','0000000000000000000002222','T','333'), ) (2008-06-19 12:20:41) mysql error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_5` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `E)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro2(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,estcla,denestpro2) VALUES ('2008','0001','0000000000000000000000004','0000000000000000000000004','T','2222'), ) (2008-06-19 12:22:03) mysql error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_5` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `E)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro2(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,estcla,denestpro2) VALUES ('2008','0001','0000000000000000000002222','0000000000000000000002222','T','22222'), ) (2008-06-19 12:27:08) mysql error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_5` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `E)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM sfp_estpro1 WHERE codemp = '0001' and codestpro1 = '0000000000000000000003333' and estcla = 'T' and ano_presupuesto = 2008, ) (2008-06-19 12:31:19) mysql error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_99` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTCLA_P`) REFERENCES `spe_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTC)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM spe_estpro1 WHERE codemp = '0001' and codest1 = 'eee' and estcla_p = 'T' and ano_presupuesto = 2008, ) (2008-06-19 12:33:35) mysql error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_99` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTCLA_P`) REFERENCES `spe_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTC)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM spe_estpro1 WHERE codemp = '0001' and codest1 = 'eee' and estcla_p = 'T' and ano_presupuesto = 2008, ) (2008-06-19 15:06:02) mysql error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_5` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `E)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM sfp_estpro1 WHERE codemp = '0001' and codestpro1 = '0000000000000000000008888' and estcla = 'T' and ano_presupuesto = 2008, ) (2008-06-19 15:14:49) mysql error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro1`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_54` FOREIGN KEY (`CODEMP`, `CODUAC`) REFERENCES `sfp_estructura_org` (`CODEMP`, `CODUAC`))] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM sfp_estructura_org WHERE codemp = '0001' and coduac = 'UU', ) (2008-06-20 16:10:19) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-06-23 12:00:19) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '4' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_conf_niveles(codnivel,nivel,nombre_pest,tipo) VALUES ('4','1','AREA ESTRATEGICA','PL'), ) (2008-06-23 12:11:43) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000001-0000000000000000000000001-T-' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_estpro3(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codest1,codest2,codest3,estcla_p,denest3) VALUES ('2008','0001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','T','IMPLANTAR EL DESARROLLO DEL SOCIALISMO MISMO EN LARA'), ) (2008-06-23 12:18:00) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-000000000000000000000PROY-T-0000000000000000000000AE1' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro2(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,estcla,denestpro2) VALUES ('2008','0001','000000000000000000000PROY1','0000000000000000000000AE1','T','ESTUDIO DE FACTIBILIDAD ECONOMICO - FINANCIERO'), ) (2008-06-23 14:50:36) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro3`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_6` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`, `CODESTPRO2`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro2` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `C)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro3(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,estcla,denestpro3) VALUES ('2008','0001','0000000000000000000000PROY2','0000000000000000000000ADE01','0000000000000000000000025','T','plan de expansion'), ) (2008-06-23 14:52:27) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro3`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_6` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`, `CODESTPRO2`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro2` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `C)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro3 (ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,estcla,denestpro3) VALUES (2008,'0001','0000000000000000000000PROY2','0000000000000000000000ADE01','0000000000000000000000025','T','plan de expansion'), ) (2008-06-23 15:07:15) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro3`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_6` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`, `CODESTPRO2`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro2` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `C)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro3(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,estcla,denestpro3) VALUES ('2008','0001','0000000000000000000000PROY2','','0000000000000000000000025','T','plan de expansion'), ) (2008-06-23 15:07:59) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000PRO-T-0000000000000000000000ADE' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro2(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,estcla,denestpro2) VALUES ('2008','0001','0000000000000000000000PROY2','0000000000000000000000ADE01','T','AREAS DESARROLLO 01'), ) (2008-06-23 15:08:26) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro3`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_6` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`, `CODESTPRO2`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro2` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `C)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro3(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,estcla,denestpro3) VALUES ('2008','0001','0000000000000000000000PROY2','00000000000000000000000AE01','0000000000000000000000025','T','plan de expansion'), ) (2008-06-23 15:14:59) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-000000000000000000000PROY-T-00000000000000000000000AE' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro2 (ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,estcla,denestpro2) VALUES (2008,'0001','000000000000000000000PROY','00000000000000000000000AE2','T','ESTUDIO DE VIAVILIDAD PROTECTOS DE SOFTWARE LIRE'), ) (2008-06-23 15:15:36) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-06-000000000000000000000PROY-T-00000000000000000000000' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro3(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,estcla,denestpro3) VALUES ('2008','0001','000000000000000000000PROY','00000000000000000000000AE','06','T','SEGUNDA PRUEBA'), ) (2008-06-23 15:24:32) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000007-0000000000000000000000078-T-' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro3(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,estcla,denestpro3) VALUES ('2008','0001','0000000000000000000000078','00000000000000000000000007','0000000000000000000000007','T','realizar la planificacion del proyecto'), ) (2008-06-23 15:26:08) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000078-T-0000000000000000000000000' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro2(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,estcla,denestpro2) VALUES ('2008','0001','0000000000000000000000078','00000000000000000000000007','T','realizar plan de alfabetización tecnológica'), ) (2008-06-23 15:26:52) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro3`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_6` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`, `CODESTPRO2`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro2` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `C)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro3(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,estcla,denestpro3) VALUES ('2008','0001','0000000000000000000000078','0000000000000000000000067','0000000000000000000000007','T','realizar la planificacion del proyecto'), ) (2008-06-23 15:27:20) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro3`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_6` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`, `CODESTPRO2`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro2` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `C)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro3(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,estcla,denestpro3) VALUES ('2008','0001','0000000000000000000000078','0000000000000000000000067','0000000000000000000000007','T','realizar la planificacion del proyecto'), ) (2008-06-23 15:36:07) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000078-0000000000000000000000001-T-' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro3(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,estcla,denestpro3) VALUES ('2008','0001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000054','0000000000000000000000078','T','Concejos comunales'), ) (2008-06-23 15:36:27) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000001-T-0000000000000000000000054' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro2(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,estcla,denestpro2) VALUES ('2008','0001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000054','T','construcción de nícleos de desarrollo endógeno'), ) (2008-06-23 15:36:49) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro3`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_6` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`, `CODESTPRO2`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro2` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `C)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro3(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,estcla,denestpro3) VALUES ('2008','0001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000056','0000000000000000000000078','T','Concejos comunales'), ) (2008-06-23 15:37:49) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro3`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_6` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`, `CODESTPRO2`) REFERENCES `sfp_estpro2` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `C)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro3(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,estcla,denestpro3) VALUES ('2008','0001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000056','0000000000000000000000078','T','Concejos comunales'), ) (2008-06-23 15:41:17) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000001-T' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,codestpro1,estcla,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','0000000000000000000000001','T','2008','UU','Modelo Socialista'), ) (2008-06-23 15:43:57) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000008-T' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,codestpro1,estcla,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','0000000000000000000000008','T','2008','UU','Modelo socialista'), ) (2008-06-23 15:45:50) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000008-T' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,codestpro1,estcla,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','0000000000000000000000008','T','2008','UU','Modelo Socialista'), ) (2008-06-23 15:47:42) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000008-T-0000000000000000000000007' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro2(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,estcla,denestpro2) VALUES ('2008','0001','0000000000000000000000008','0000000000000000000000007','T','Desarrollo endogeno'), ) (2008-06-23 15:52:46) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000009-T-0000000000000000000000007' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro2(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,estcla,denestpro2) VALUES ('2008','0001','0000000000000000000000009','0000000000000000000000007','T','Denominacion'), ) (2008-06-23 16:12:06) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000054-T' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,codestpro1,estcla,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','0000000000000000000000054','T','2008','UU','Modelo Comunista'), ) (2008-06-23 16:13:13) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000078-T' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,codestpro1,estcla,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','0000000000000000000000078','T','2008','UU','Modelo Marxista'), ) (2008-06-23 16:13:30) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000078-T' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,codestpro1,estcla,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','0000000000000000000000078','T','2008','UU','Modelo Marxista'), ) (2008-06-23 16:26:10) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000007-T' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,codestpro1,estcla,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','0000000000000000000000007','T','2008','UU','Modelo Socialista'), ) (2008-06-23 16:27:05) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000007-T' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,codestpro1,estcla,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','0000000000000000000000007','T','2008','UU','Modelo Socialista'), ) (2008-06-23 16:29:30) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000009-T' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,codestpro1,estcla,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','0000000000000000000000009','T','2008','UU','Modelo comunista'), ) (2008-06-23 17:09:51) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000087-T' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,codestpro1,estcla,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','0000000000000000000000087','T','2008','UU','Modelo Comunista'), ) (2008-06-23 17:16:32) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000009-T' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,codestpro1,estcla,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','0000000000000000000000009','T','2008','UU','Modelo Comunista'), ) (2008-06-23 17:18:52) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000067-T' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,codestpro1,estcla,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','0000000000000000000000067','T','2008','UU','Modelo Socialista'), ) (2008-06-23 17:54:03) mysqlt error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_99` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTCLA_P`) REFERENCES `spe_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTC)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM spe_estpro1 WHERE codemp = '0001' and codest1 = '0000000000000000000000001' and estcla_p = 'T' and ano_presupuesto = 2008, ) (2008-06-23 17:54:08) mysqlt error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_estpro2`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_99` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTCLA_P`) REFERENCES `spe_estpro1` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTC)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM spe_estpro1 WHERE codemp = '0001' and codest1 = '0000000000000000000000001' and estcla_p = 'T' and ano_presupuesto = 2008, ) (2008-06-23 17:54:15) mysqlt error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_estpro3`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_656` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODEST1`, `ESTCLA_P`, `CODEST2`) REFERENCES `spe_estpro2` (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `COD)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM spe_estpro2 WHERE ano_presupuesto = 2008 and codemp = '0001' and codest1 = '0000000000000000000000001' and codest2 = '0000000000000000000000001' and estcla_p = 'T', ) (2008-06-25 17:18:07) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '301010101-0001-2008' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_plan_ingresos(ano_presupuesto,sig_cuenta,codemp,enero,febrero,marzo,abril,mayo,junio,julio,agosto,septiembre,octubre,noviembre,diciembre,nivel,referencia) VALUES ('2008','301010101','0001','12','12','12','12','12','12','12','12','12','12','12','12',NULL,NULL), ) (2008-06-25 17:27:54) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '301010101-0001-2008' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_plan_ingresos(ano_presupuesto,sig_cuenta,codemp,enero,febrero,marzo,abril,mayo,junio,julio,agosto,septiembre,octubre,noviembre,diciembre,nivel,referencia) VALUES ('2008','301010101','0001','12','12','12','12','12','12','12','12','12','12','12','12',NULL,NULL), ) (2008-06-25 17:36:34) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'cod_fuenfin' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select * from spe_plan_ingresos WHERE cod_fuenfin<>''") (2008-06-26 09:17:34) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '>enero+spe_plan_ingresos->febrero+spe_plan_ingresos->marzo+spe_plan_ingresos->ab' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select spe_plan_ingresos.*,spe_plan_ingresos->enero+spe_plan_ingresos->febrero+spe_plan_ingresos->marzo+spe_plan_ingresos->abril+spe_plan_ingresos->mayo+spe_plan_ingresos->junio+spe_plan_ingresos->julio+spe_plan_ingresos->agosto+spe_plan_ingresos->septiembre+spe_plan_ingresos->octubre+spe_plan_ingresos->noviembre+spe_plan_ingresos->diciembre as Suma,sigesp_plan_unico_re2.denominacion from spe_plan_ingresos inner join sigesp_plan_unico_re2 on spe_plan_ingresos.sig_cuenta=sigesp_plan_unico_re2.sig_cuenta") (2008-06-26 11:25:41) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '301010102-0001-2008' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_plan_ingresos(ano_presupuesto,sig_cuenta,codemp,enero,febrero,marzo,abril,mayo,junio,julio,agosto,septiembre,octubre,noviembre,diciembre,nivel,referencia) VALUES ('2008','301010102','0001','12.0000','12.0000','12233','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000',NULL,NULL), ) (2008-06-26 11:26:11) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '301010102-0001-2008' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_plan_ingresos(ano_presupuesto,sig_cuenta,codemp,enero,febrero,marzo,abril,mayo,junio,julio,agosto,septiembre,octubre,noviembre,diciembre,nivel,referencia) VALUES ('2008','301010102','0001','12.0000','88912','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000',NULL,NULL), ) (2008-06-26 11:27:00) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '301010102-0001-2008' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_plan_ingresos(ano_presupuesto,sig_cuenta,codemp,enero,febrero,marzo,abril,mayo,junio,julio,agosto,septiembre,octubre,noviembre,diciembre,nivel,referencia) VALUES ('2008','301010102','0001','12.0000','12.0000','125555','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000',NULL,NULL), ) (2008-06-26 11:38:38) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '301010102-0001-2008' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_plan_ingresos(ano_presupuesto,sig_cuenta,codemp,enero,febrero,marzo,abril,mayo,junio,julio,agosto,septiembre,octubre,noviembre,diciembre,nivel,referencia) VALUES ('2008','301010102','0001','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','1222222','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000',NULL,NULL), ) (2008-06-26 11:39:57) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '301010101-0001-2008' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_plan_ingresos(ano_presupuesto,sig_cuenta,codemp,enero,febrero,marzo,abril,mayo,junio,julio,agosto,septiembre,octubre,noviembre,diciembre,nivel,referencia) VALUES ('2008','301010101','0001','12.0000','1222222','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000','12.0000',NULL,NULL), ) (2008-06-26 15:31:55) mysqlt error: [1048: Column 'denmun' cannot be null] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sigesp_municipio(denmun) VALUES (NULL), ) (2008-06-26 17:11:02) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select * from sigesp_ub1 where ") (2008-06-26 17:14:28) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0-0001--' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_estpro1(codemp,coduac,denest1) VALUES ('0001',NULL,NULL), ) (2008-06-26 17:14:54) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select * from sigesp_ub1 where ") (2008-06-26 17:47:54) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select * from sigesp_ub1 where ") (2008-06-26 17:52:01) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select * from sigesp_ub1 where ") (2008-06-26 18:05:21) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select * from sigesp_ub1 where ") (2008-06-26 18:17:34) mysqlt error: [1146: Table 'db_sfp_2008.sigesp_ub' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("select count(*) as numero from sigesp_ub") (2008-06-27 09:11:52) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select count(*) as numero from ") (2008-06-27 09:12:04) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select count(*) as numero from ") (2008-06-27 09:16:41) mysqlt error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sigesp_ub3`, CONSTRAINT `FK_SIGESP_U_REFERENCE_SIGESP_Ub` FOREIGN KEY (`CODEMP`, `CODUBGEO2`, `CODUBGEO1`) REFERENCES `sigesp_ub2` (`CODEMP`, `CODUBGEO2`, `CODUBGEO1`))] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM sigesp_ub2 WHERE codemp = '0001' and codubgeo2 = '0000' and codubgeo1 = '0000', ) (2008-06-27 09:16:52) mysqlt error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sigesp_ub3`, CONSTRAINT `FK_SIGESP_U_REFERENCE_SIGESP_Ub` FOREIGN KEY (`CODEMP`, `CODUBGEO2`, `CODUBGEO1`) REFERENCES `sigesp_ub2` (`CODEMP`, `CODUBGEO2`, `CODUBGEO1`))] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM sigesp_ub2 WHERE codemp = '0001' and codubgeo2 = '0000' and codubgeo1 = '0000', ) (2008-06-27 12:28:46) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'sig_cuenta' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("select sig_cuenta,denominacion from spi_cuentas where sig_cuenta.status='C' and sig_cuenta not in(select sig_cuenta from spe_plan_ingresos)") (2008-06-27 12:28:48) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'sig_cuenta' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("select sig_cuenta,denominacion from spi_cuentas where sig_cuenta.status='C' and sig_cuenta not in(select sig_cuenta from spe_plan_ingresos)") (2008-06-27 12:28:49) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'sig_cuenta' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("select sig_cuenta,denominacion from spi_cuentas where sig_cuenta.status='C' and sig_cuenta not in(select sig_cuenta from spe_plan_ingresos)") (2008-06-27 12:28:51) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'sig_cuenta' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("select sig_cuenta,denominacion from spi_cuentas where sig_cuenta.status='C' and sig_cuenta not in(select sig_cuenta from spe_plan_ingresos)") (2008-06-27 12:28:54) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'sig_cuenta' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("select sig_cuenta,denominacion from spi_cuentas where sig_cuenta.status='C' and sig_cuenta not in(select sig_cuenta from spe_plan_ingresos)") (2008-06-27 12:28:54) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'sig_cuenta' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("select sig_cuenta,denominacion from spi_cuentas where sig_cuenta.status='C' and sig_cuenta not in(select sig_cuenta from spe_plan_ingresos)") (2008-06-27 12:28:55) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'sig_cuenta' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("select sig_cuenta,denominacion from spi_cuentas where sig_cuenta.status='C' and sig_cuenta not in(select sig_cuenta from spe_plan_ingresos)") (2008-06-27 12:29:19) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'sig_cuenta' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("select sig_cuenta,denominacion from spi_cuentas where sig_cuenta.status='C' and sig_cuenta not in(select sig_cuenta from spe_plan_ingresos)") (2008-06-27 12:29:22) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'sig_cuenta' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("select sig_cuenta,denominacion from spi_cuentas where sig_cuenta.status='C' and sig_cuenta not in(select sig_cuenta from spe_plan_ingresos)") (2008-06-27 12:31:41) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%%' and spi_cuentas.status='C' and spi_cuenta not in(select sig_cuenta fr' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select spi_cuenta,denominacion from spi_cuentas where like '%%' and spi_cuentas.status='C' and spi_cuenta not in(select sig_cuenta from spe_plan_ingresos)") (2008-06-27 12:57:50) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'spe_plan_ingresos.sig_cuenta' in 'on clause'] in EXECUTE("select spe_plan_ingresos.*,spe_plan_ingresos.enero+spe_plan_ingresos.febrero+spe_plan_ingresos.marzo+spe_plan_ingresos.abril+spe_plan_ingresos.mayo+spe_plan_ingresos.junio+spe_plan_ingresos.julio+spe_plan_ingresos.agosto+spe_plan_ingresos.septiembre+spe_plan_ingresos.octubre+spe_plan_ingresos.noviembre+spe_plan_ingresos.diciembre as montoGlobal,sigesp_plan_unico_re2.denominacion from spe_plan_ingresos inner join sigesp_plan_unico_re2 on spe_plan_ingresos.sig_cuenta=sigesp_plan_unico_re2.sig_cuenta") (2008-06-27 12:58:29) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'spe_plan_ingresos.sig_cuenta' in 'on clause'] in EXECUTE("select spe_plan_ingresos.*,spe_plan_ingresos.enero+spe_plan_ingresos.febrero+spe_plan_ingresos.marzo+spe_plan_ingresos.abril+spe_plan_ingresos.mayo+spe_plan_ingresos.junio+spe_plan_ingresos.julio+spe_plan_ingresos.agosto+spe_plan_ingresos.septiembre+spe_plan_ingresos.octubre+spe_plan_ingresos.noviembre+spe_plan_ingresos.diciembre as montoGlobal,sigesp_plan_unico_re2.denominacion from spe_plan_ingresos inner join sigesp_plan_unico_re2 on spe_plan_ingresos.sig_cuenta=sigesp_plan_unico_re2.sig_cuenta") (2008-06-27 12:58:59) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'spe_plan_ingresos.sig_cuenta' in 'on clause'] in EXECUTE("select spe_plan_ingresos.*,spe_plan_ingresos.enero+spe_plan_ingresos.febrero+spe_plan_ingresos.marzo+spe_plan_ingresos.abril+spe_plan_ingresos.mayo+spe_plan_ingresos.junio+spe_plan_ingresos.julio+spe_plan_ingresos.agosto+spe_plan_ingresos.septiembre+spe_plan_ingresos.octubre+spe_plan_ingresos.noviembre+spe_plan_ingresos.diciembre as montoGlobal,sigesp_plan_unico_re2.denominacion from spe_plan_ingresos inner join sigesp_plan_unico_re2 on spe_plan_ingresos.sig_cuenta=sigesp_plan_unico_re2.sig_cuenta") (2008-06-27 12:59:36) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'spe_plan_ingresos.sig_cuenta' in 'on clause'] in EXECUTE("select spe_plan_ingresos.*,spe_plan_ingresos.enero+spe_plan_ingresos.febrero+spe_plan_ingresos.marzo+spe_plan_ingresos.abril+spe_plan_ingresos.mayo+spe_plan_ingresos.junio+spe_plan_ingresos.julio+spe_plan_ingresos.agosto+spe_plan_ingresos.septiembre+spe_plan_ingresos.octubre+spe_plan_ingresos.noviembre+spe_plan_ingresos.diciembre as montoGlobal,sigesp_plan_unico_re2.denominacion from spe_plan_ingresos inner join sigesp_plan_unico_re2 on spe_plan_ingresos.sig_cuenta=sigesp_plan_unico_re2.sig_cuenta") (2008-06-27 13:02:08) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'sigesp_plan_unico_re2.spi_cuenta' in 'on clause'] in EXECUTE("select spe_plan_ingresos.*,spe_plan_ingresos.enero+spe_plan_ingresos.febrero+spe_plan_ingresos.marzo+spe_plan_ingresos.abril+spe_plan_ingresos.mayo+spe_plan_ingresos.junio+spe_plan_ingresos.julio+spe_plan_ingresos.agosto+spe_plan_ingresos.septiembre+spe_plan_ingresos.octubre+spe_plan_ingresos.noviembre+spe_plan_ingresos.diciembre as montoGlobal,sigesp_plan_unico_re2.denominacion from spe_plan_ingresos inner join sigesp_plan_unico_re2 on spe_plan_ingresos.spi_cuenta=sigesp_plan_unico_re2.spi_cuenta") (2008-06-27 15:04:17) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'sig_cuenta' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("select spi_cuenta,denominacion from spi_cuentas where denominacion like '%p%' and spi_cuentas.status='C' and spi_cuenta not in(select sig_cuenta from spe_plan_ingresos)") (2008-06-27 15:04:19) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'sig_cuenta' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("select spi_cuenta,denominacion from spi_cuentas where denominacion like '%pe%' and spi_cuentas.status='C' and spi_cuenta not in(select sig_cuenta from spe_plan_ingresos)") (2008-06-27 15:04:23) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'sig_cuenta' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("select spi_cuenta,denominacion from spi_cuentas where denominacion like '%%' and spi_cuentas.status='C' and spi_cuenta not in(select sig_cuenta from spe_plan_ingresos)") (2008-06-27 15:04:30) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'sig_cuenta' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("select spi_cuenta,denominacion from spi_cuentas where denominacion like '%p%' and spi_cuentas.status='C' and spi_cuenta not in(select sig_cuenta from spe_plan_ingresos)") (2008-06-27 15:19:59) mysqlt error: [1048: Column 'spi_cuenta' cannot be null] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_plan_ingresos (ano_presupuesto,spi_cuenta,codemp,enero,febrero,marzo,abril,mayo,junio,julio,agosto,septiembre,octubre,noviembre,diciembre,nivel,referencia) VALUES (2008,null,'0001',1.9166666666666667,1.9166666666666667,1.9166666666666667,1.9166666666666667,1.9166666666666667,1.9166666666666667,1.9166666666666667,1.9166666666666667,1.9166666666666667,1.9166666666666667,1.9166666666666667,1.9166666666666667,NULL,null), ) (2008-06-27 16:19:13) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'and spi_cuenta = '303039900' and codemp = '0001'' at line 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM spe_plan_ingresos WHERE ano_presupuesto = and spi_cuenta = '303039900' and codemp = '0001', ) (2008-06-27 16:22:24) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'and spi_cuenta = '303039900' and codemp = '0001'' at line 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM spe_plan_ingresos WHERE ano_presupuesto = and spi_cuenta = '303039900' and codemp = '0001', ) (2008-06-27 16:24:02) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'undefined' in 'where clause'] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM spe_plan_ingresos WHERE ano_presupuesto = undefined and spi_cuenta = '303039900' and codemp = '0001', ) (2008-06-29 07:13:21) mysqlt error: [1048: Column 'CODEST1' cannot be null] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_relacion_es(codemp,codinte,codest1,codest2,codest3,codest4,codest5,estcla_p,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,codestpro4,codestpro5,estcla,ano_presupuesto,spe_codemp,codorgej) VALUES ('0001','',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'ttt',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'ww','2008',NULL,NULL), ) (2008-06-29 07:20:22) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_relacion_es`, CONSTRAINT `FK_SPE_RELA_REFERENCE_SFP_ESTP` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO4`, `CODESTPRO5`, `CODESTPRO3`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`, `CODESTPR)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_relacion_es(codemp,codinte,codest1,codest2,codest3,codest4,codest5,estcla_p,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,codestpro4,codestpro5,estcla,ano_presupuesto,spe_codemp,codorgej) VALUES ('0001','','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','ttt','00000000000000000000PROY1','0000000000000000000000AE1','0000000000000000000000001','','','ww','2008',NULL,'0001'), ) (2008-06-29 08:28:00) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_relacion_es`, CONSTRAINT `FK_SPE_RELA_REFERENCE_SFP_ESTP` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO4`, `CODESTPRO5`, `CODESTPRO3`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`, `CODESTPR)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_relacion_es(codemp,codinte,codest1,codest2,codest3,codest4,codest5,estcla_p,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,codestpro4,codestpro5,estcla,ano_presupuesto,spe_codemp,codorgej) VALUES ('0001','','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','ttt','00000000000000000000PROY1','0000000000000000000000AE1','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000000','0000000000000000000000000','ww','2008',NULL,'0001'), ) (2008-06-29 09:18:41) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'and codest2=0000000000000000000000001 and codest3=0000000000000000000000001 and ' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select * from spe_relacion_es where codest1= and codest2=0000000000000000000000001 and codest3=0000000000000000000000001 and codest4=0000000000000000000000001 and codest5=0000000000000000000000001 and codestpro1=00000000000000000000PROY1 and codestpro2=0000000000000000000000AE1 and codestpro3=0000000000000000000000001 and codestpro4=0000000000000000000000000 and codestpro5=0000000000000000000000000") (2008-06-30 13:00:03) mysqlt error: [1146: Table 'db_sfp_2008.sfp_est_fuefin' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `sfp_est_fuefin`") (2008-06-30 13:07:32) mysqlt error: [1146: Table 'db_sfp_2008.sfp_est_fuefin' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `sfp_est_fuefin`") (2008-06-30 14:37:09) mysqlt error: [1065: Query was empty] in EXECUTE("") (2008-06-30 14:37:49) mysqlt error: [1065: Query was empty] in EXECUTE("") (2008-06-30 14:38:58) mysqlt error: [1065: Query was empty] in EXECUTE("") (2008-06-30 14:39:31) mysqlt error: [1065: Query was empty] in EXECUTE("") (2008-06-30 14:41:23) mysqlt error: [1065: Query was empty] in EXECUTE("") (2008-06-30 14:50:03) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'cod_fuente' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("select cod_fuente,denfuente,montot from spe_est_fuefin inner join sfp_fuentefinanciamientos on spe_est_fuefin.cod_fuenfin=sfp_fuentefinanciamientos.cod_fuenfin where spe_est_fuefin.cod_fuentefin =1") (2008-06-30 14:54:02) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'denfuente' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("select spe_est_fuefin.cod_fuenfin,denfuente,montot from spe_est_fuefin inner join sfp_fuentefinanciamientos on spe_est_fuefin.cod_fuenfin=sfp_fuentefinanciamientos.cod_fuenfin where spe_est_fuefin.cod_fuentefin =1") (2008-06-30 14:56:49) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'spe_est_fuefin.cod_fuentefin' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select spe_est_fuefin.cod_fuenfin,sfp_fuentefinanciamientos.denfuefin,montot from spe_est_fuefin inner join sfp_fuentefinanciamientos on spe_est_fuefin.cod_fuenfin=sfp_fuentefinanciamientos.cod_fuenfin where spe_est_fuefin.cod_fuentefin =1") (2008-06-30 15:01:11) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'spe_est_fuefin.codint' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select spe_est_fuefin.cod_fuenfin,sfp_fuentefinanciamientos.denfuefin,montot from spe_est_fuefin inner join sfp_fuentefinanciamientos on spe_est_fuefin.cod_fuenfin=sfp_fuentefinanciamientos.cod_fuenfin where spe_est_fuefin.codint =1") (2008-07-01 09:45:43) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_relacion_es`, CONSTRAINT `FK_SPE_RELA_REFERENCE_SFP_ESTP` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO4`, `CODESTPRO5`, `CODESTPRO3`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`, `CODESTPR)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_relacion_es(codemp,codinte,codest1,codest2,codest3,codest4,codest5,estcla_p,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,codestpro4,codestpro5,estcla,ano_presupuesto,spe_codemp,codorgej) VALUES ('0001','','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','T','00000000000000000000PROY1','0000000000000000000000AE2','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000000','0000000000000000000000000','T','2008',NULL,'0001'), ) (2008-07-01 09:45:48) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_relacion_es`, CONSTRAINT `FK_SPE_RELA_REFERENCE_SFP_ESTP` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO4`, `CODESTPRO5`, `CODESTPRO3`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`, `CODESTPR)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_relacion_es(codemp,codinte,codest1,codest2,codest3,codest4,codest5,estcla_p,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,codestpro4,codestpro5,estcla,ano_presupuesto,spe_codemp,codorgej) VALUES ('0001','','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','T','00000000000000000000PROY1','0000000000000000000000AE2','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000000','0000000000000000000000000','T','2008',NULL,'0001'), ) (2008-07-01 09:46:23) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_relacion_es`, CONSTRAINT `FK_SPE_RELA_REFERENCE_SFP_ESTP` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO4`, `CODESTPRO5`, `CODESTPRO3`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`, `CODESTPR)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_relacion_es(codemp,codinte,codest1,codest2,codest3,codest4,codest5,estcla_p,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,codestpro4,codestpro5,estcla,ano_presupuesto,spe_codemp,codorgej) VALUES ('0001','','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','T','00000000000000000000PROY1','0000000000000000000000AE2','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000000','0000000000000000000000000','T','2008',NULL,'0001'), ) (2008-07-01 09:51:37) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_relacion_es`, CONSTRAINT `FK_SPE_RELA_REFERENCE_SFP_ESTP` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO4`, `CODESTPRO5`, `CODESTPRO3`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`, `CODESTPR)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_relacion_es(codemp,codinte,codest1,codest2,codest3,codest4,codest5,estcla_p,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,codestpro4,codestpro5,estcla,ano_presupuesto,spe_codemp,codorgej) VALUES ('0001','','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000002','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','T','00000000000000000000PROY1','0000000000000000000000AE2','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000000','0000000000000000000000000','T','2008',NULL,'0001'), ) (2008-07-01 11:29:08) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_relacion_es`, CONSTRAINT `FK_SPE_RELA_REFERENCE_SFP_ESTP` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO4`, `CODESTPRO5`, `CODESTPRO3`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`, `CODESTPR)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_relacion_es(codemp,codinte,codest1,codest2,codest3,codest4,codest5,estcla_p,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,codestpro4,codestpro5,estcla,ano_presupuesto,spe_codemp,codorgej) VALUES ('0001','','','','','','','T','','','','','','T','2008',NULL,'0001'), ) (2008-07-01 14:49:23) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0000000000000000000000001-0000000000000000000000002-000000000000' for key 3] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_relacion_es(codemp,codinte,codest1,codest2,codest3,codest4,codest5,estcla_p,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,codestpro4,codestpro5,estcla,ano_presupuesto,spe_codemp,codorgej) VALUES ('0001','','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000002','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','T','00000000000000000000PROY1','0000000000000000000000AE1','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000000','0000000000000000000000000','T','2008',NULL,'0001'), ) (2008-07-01 15:35:24) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_relacion_es`, CONSTRAINT `FK_SPE_RELA_REFERENCE_SFP_ESTP` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO4`, `CODESTPRO5`, `CODESTPRO3`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`, `CODESTPR)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_relacion_es(codemp,codinte,codest1,codest2,codest3,codest4,codest5,estcla_p,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,codestpro4,codestpro5,estcla,ano_presupuesto,spe_codemp,codorgej) VALUES ('0001','','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000002','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','T','00000000000000000000PROY1','0000000000000000000000AE2','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000000','0000000000000000000000000','T','2008',NULL,'0001'), ) (2008-07-01 15:41:32) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_relacion_es`, CONSTRAINT `FK_SPE_RELA_REFERENCE_SFP_ESTP` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO4`, `CODESTPRO5`, `CODESTPRO3`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`, `CODESTPR)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_relacion_es(codemp,codinte,codest1,codest2,codest3,codest4,codest5,estcla_p,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,codestpro4,codestpro5,estcla,ano_presupuesto,spe_codemp,codorgej) VALUES ('0001','','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000002','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','T','00000000000000000000PROY1','0000000000000000000000AE2','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000000','0000000000000000000000000','T','2008',NULL,'0001'), ) (2008-07-01 16:14:32) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0000000000000000000000001-0000000000000000000000002-000000000000' for key 3] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_relacion_es(codemp,codinte,codest1,codest2,codest3,codest4,codest5,estcla_p,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,codestpro4,codestpro5,estcla,ano_presupuesto,spe_codemp,codorgej) VALUES ('0001','','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000002','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','T','00000000000000000000PROY1','0000000000000000000000AE1','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000000','0000000000000000000000000','T','2008',NULL,'0001'), ) (2008-07-01 16:36:15) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0000000000000000000000001-0000000000000000000000001-000000000000' for key 3] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_relacion_es(codemp,codinte,codest1,codest2,codest3,codest4,codest5,estcla_p,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,codestpro4,codestpro5,estcla,ano_presupuesto,spe_codemp,codorgej) VALUES ('0001','','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','T','00000000000000000000PROY1','0000000000000000000000AE1','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000000','0000000000000000000000000','T','2008',NULL,'0001'), ) (2008-07-01 16:37:56) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0000000000000000000000001-0000000000000000000000001-000000000000' for key 3] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_relacion_es(codemp,codinte,codest1,codest2,codest3,codest4,codest5,estcla_p,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,codestpro4,codestpro5,estcla,ano_presupuesto,spe_codemp,codorgej) VALUES ('0001','','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','T','00000000000000000000PROY1','0000000000000000000000AE1','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000000','0000000000000000000000000','T','2008',NULL,'0001'), ) (2008-07-01 16:39:00) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '14' for key 2] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_est_fuefin(codemp,cod_fuenfin,codinte,montot) VALUES ('0001','0004','14','4555'), ) (2008-07-01 18:13:03) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_conf_niveles(codnivel,nivel,nombre_pest,tipo) VALUES ('1','1','Estado','UG'), ) (2008-07-01 18:14:58) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select * from sigesp_ub1 where ") (2008-07-01 18:15:17) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select * from sigesp_ub1 where ") (2008-07-01 18:15:24) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select * from sigesp_ub1 where ") (2008-07-01 18:16:23) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_conf_niveles(codnivel,nivel,nombre_pest,tipo) VALUES ('1','1','Pais','UG'), ) (2008-07-01 18:16:50) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_conf_niveles(codnivel,nivel,nombre_pest,tipo) VALUES ('1','1','Pais','UG'), ) (2008-07-01 18:18:45) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select * from sigesp_ub1 where ") (2008-07-02 16:49:37) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-00001' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estructura_ad(codemp,coduac,codzona,denuac,resuac,tipuac,coduac_p) VALUES ('0001','00001',NULL,'Oficina de solicitud de visas para los estados unidos',NULL,NULL,'00001'), ) (2008-07-02 16:53:56) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-00001' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estructura_ad(codemp,coduac,codzona,denuac,resuac,tipuac,coduac_p) VALUES ('0001','00001',NULL,'Oficina para el otorgamiento de visas',NULL,NULL,'00001'), ) (2008-07-02 17:00:51) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-00001' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estructura_ad(codemp,coduac,codzona,denuac,resuac,tipuac,coduac_p) VALUES ('0001','00001',NULL,'Oficina de Recepcion de documentos',NULL,NULL,'00001'), ) (2008-07-03 09:44:47) mysqlt error: [1048: Column 'NIVEL_P' cannot be null] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estructura_ad(codemp,coduac,codzona,denuac,resuac,tipuac,coduac_p,nivel,nivel_p) VALUES ('0001','00008',NULL,'Oficina Nacional del Tesoro',NULL,NULL,NULL,'1',NULL), ) (2008-07-03 09:50:58) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-00008-2' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estructura_ad(codemp,coduac,codzona,denuac,resuac,tipuac,coduac_p,nivel,nivel_p) VALUES ('0001','00008',NULL,'DIRECCIÓN DE SERVICIOS GENERALES',NULL,NULL,'00008','2',NULL), ) (2008-07-03 11:14:30) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select t2.* from sfp_estructura_ad as t1 inner join sfp_estructura_ad as t2 on t1.CODUAC=t2.CODUAC_P and t1.NIVEL=t2.NIVEL_P where t2.CODUAC_P='' and t2.NIVEL_P=") (2008-07-03 11:15:54) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM sfp_estructura_ad WHERE codemp = '0001' and coduac = '00009' and nivel = , ) (2008-07-03 11:16:21) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select t2.* from sfp_estructura_ad as t1 inner join sfp_estructura_ad as t2 on t1.CODUAC=t2.CODUAC_P and t1.NIVEL=t2.NIVEL_P where t2.CODUAC_P='' and t2.NIVEL_P=") (2008-07-03 11:17:03) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select t2.* from sfp_estructura_ad as t1 inner join sfp_estructura_ad as t2 on t1.CODUAC=t2.CODUAC_P and t1.NIVEL=t2.NIVEL_P where t2.CODUAC_P='' and t2.NIVEL_P=") (2008-07-03 11:54:23) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select t2.* from sfp_estructura_ad as t1 inner join sfp_estructura_ad as t2 on t1.CODUAC=t2.CODUAC_P and t1.NIVEL=t2.NIVEL_P where t2.CODUAC_P='00009' and t2.NIVEL_P=") (2008-07-03 12:17:08) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-00009-1' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estructura_ad(codemp,coduac,codzona,denuac,resuac,tipuac,coduac_p,nivel,nivel_p) VALUES ('0001','000094',NULL,'Ministerio de planificacion',NULL,NULL,NULL,'1',NULL), ) (2008-07-03 12:53:59) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM sfp_estructura_ad WHERE codemp = '0001' and coduac = '00005' and nivel = , ) (2008-07-03 13:04:09) mysqlt error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estructura_ad`, CONSTRAINT `FK_sfp_estructura_ad_1` FOREIGN KEY (`CODEMP`, `CODUAC_P`, `NIVEL_P`) REFERENCES `sfp_estructura_ad` (`CODEMP`, `CODUAC`, `NIVEL`))] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM sfp_estructura_ad WHERE codemp = '0001' and coduac = '00009' and nivel = 1, ) (2008-07-03 14:51:14) mysqlt error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estructura_ad`, CONSTRAINT `FK_sfp_estructura_ad_1` FOREIGN KEY (`CODEMP`, `CODUAC_P`, `NIVEL_P`) REFERENCES `sfp_estructura_ad` (`CODEMP`, `CODUAC`, `NIVEL`))] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM sfp_estructura_ad WHERE codemp = '0001' and coduac = '00009' and nivel = 1, ) (2008-07-03 14:53:21) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select t2.* from sfp_estructura_ad as t1 inner join sfp_estructura_ad as t2 on t1.CODUAC=t2.CODUAC_P and t1.NIVEL=t2.NIVEL_P where t2.CODUAC_P='' and t2.NIVEL_P=") (2008-07-03 15:07:52) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select t2.* from sfp_estructura_ad as t1 inner join sfp_estructura_ad as t2 on t1.CODUAC=t2.CODUAC_P and t1.NIVEL=t2.NIVEL_P where t2.CODUAC_P='00009' and t2.NIVEL_P=") (2008-07-03 15:08:02) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select t2.* from sfp_estructura_ad as t1 inner join sfp_estructura_ad as t2 on t1.CODUAC=t2.CODUAC_P and t1.NIVEL=t2.NIVEL_P where t2.CODUAC_P='00008' and t2.NIVEL_P=") (2008-07-03 15:31:40) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select t2.* from sfp_estructura_ad as t1 inner join sfp_estructura_ad as t2 on t1.CODUAC=t2.CODUAC_P and t1.NIVEL=t2.NIVEL_P where t2.CODUAC_P='00009' and t2.NIVEL_P=") (2008-07-03 16:04:22) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select t2.* from sfp_estructura_ad as t1 inner join sfp_estructura_ad as t2 on t1.CODUAC=t2.CODUAC_P and t1.NIVEL=t2.NIVEL_P where t2.CODUAC_P='' and t2.NIVEL_P=") (2008-07-03 16:07:43) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-00009-3' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estructura_ad(codemp,coduac,codzona,denuac,resuac,tipuac,coduac_p,nivel,nivel_p) VALUES ('0001','00009',NULL,'Oficina para las relaciones comerciales entre colombia y venezuela',NULL,NULL,'00007','3','2'), ) (2008-07-03 16:09:11) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-00003-3' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estructura_ad(codemp,coduac,codzona,denuac,resuac,tipuac,coduac_p,nivel,nivel_p) VALUES ('0001','00003',NULL,'Ofciina Nacional',NULL,NULL,'00007','3','2'), ) (2008-07-03 16:09:27) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-00003-3' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estructura_ad(codemp,coduac,codzona,denuac,resuac,tipuac,coduac_p,nivel,nivel_p) VALUES ('0001','00003',NULL,'Ofciina Nacional',NULL,NULL,'00007','3','2'), ) (2008-07-03 16:11:36) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-00004-1' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estructura_ad(codemp,coduac,codzona,denuac,resuac,tipuac,coduac_p,nivel,nivel_p) VALUES ('0001','00004',NULL,'Ministerio del Ambiente',NULL,NULL,NULL,'1',NULL), ) (2008-07-03 16:13:07) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-00003-1' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estructura_ad(codemp,coduac,codzona,denuac,resuac,tipuac,coduac_p,nivel,nivel_p) VALUES ('0001','00003',NULL,'Oficina',NULL,NULL,NULL,'1',NULL), ) (2008-07-03 16:33:04) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-00001-1' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estructura_ad(codemp,coduac,codzona,denuac,resuac,tipuac,coduac_p,nivel,nivel_p) VALUES ('0001','00001',NULL,'Oficina',NULL,NULL,NULL,'1',NULL), ) (2008-07-03 16:36:46) mysqlt error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estructura_ad`, CONSTRAINT `FK_sfp_estructura_ad_1` FOREIGN KEY (`CODEMP`, `CODUAC_P`, `NIVEL_P`) REFERENCES `sfp_estructura_ad` (`CODEMP`, `CODUAC`, `NIVEL`))] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM sfp_estructura_ad WHERE codemp = '0001' and coduac = '00001' and nivel = 2, ) (2008-07-03 16:36:50) mysqlt error: [1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estructura_ad`, CONSTRAINT `FK_sfp_estructura_ad_1` FOREIGN KEY (`CODEMP`, `CODUAC_P`, `NIVEL_P`) REFERENCES `sfp_estructura_ad` (`CODEMP`, `CODUAC`, `NIVEL`))] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM sfp_estructura_ad WHERE codemp = '0001' and coduac = '00001' and nivel = 2, ) (2008-07-03 17:22:22) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_relacion_es`, CONSTRAINT `FK_SPE_RELA_REFERENCE_SFP_ESTP` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO4`, `CODESTPRO5`, `CODESTPRO3`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`, `CODESTPR)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_relacion_es(codemp,codinte,codest1,codest2,codest3,codest4,codest5,estcla_p,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,codestpro4,codestpro5,estcla,ano_presupuesto,spe_codemp,codorgej) VALUES ('0001','','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000000','0000000000000000000000001','T','00000000000000000000PROY1','0000000000000000000000AE1','0000000000000000000000001','','','T','2008',NULL,'0001'), ) (2008-07-03 17:29:39) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_relacion_es`, CONSTRAINT `FK_SPE_RELA_REFERENCE_SFP_ESTP` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO4`, `CODESTPRO5`, `CODESTPRO3`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`, `CODESTPR)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_relacion_es(codemp,codinte,codest1,codest2,codest3,codest4,codest5,estcla_p,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,codestpro4,codestpro5,estcla,ano_presupuesto,spe_codemp,codorgej) VALUES ('0001','','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000000','0000000000000000000000001','T','00000000000000000000PROY1','0000000000000000000000AE1','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','','T','2008',NULL,'0001'), ) (2008-07-03 17:57:32) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select spe_est_unadmin.coduac,sfp_estructura_ad.denuac from spe_est_unadmin inner join sfp_estructura_ad on spe_est_unadmin.coduac=sfp_estructura_ad.coduac and spe_est_unadmin.nivel=sfp_estructura_ad.nivel and spe_est_unadmin.codemp=sfp_estructura_ad.codemp where spe_est_unadmin.codinte =") (2008-07-09 13:01:29) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%%' and spg_cuentas.status='C' and spg_cuenta not in(select spi_cuenta fr' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select spg_cuenta,denominacion from spg_cuentas where like '%%' and spg_cuentas.status='C' and spg_cuenta not in(select spi_cuenta from spe_plan_ingresos)") (2008-07-09 13:09:19) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%%' and spg_cuentas.status='C' and spg_cuenta not in(select spi_cuenta fr' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select spg_cuenta,denominacion from spg_cuentas where like '%%' and spg_cuentas.status='C' and spg_cuenta not in(select spi_cuenta from spe_plan_ingresos)") (2008-07-11 12:42:08) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select t2.* from sfp_estructura_ad as t1 inner join sfp_estructura_ad as t2 on t1.CODUAC=t2.CODUAC_P and t1.NIVEL=t2.NIVEL_P where t2.CODUAC_P='' and t2.NIVEL_P=") (2008-07-11 17:10:38) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000004343-00000000000000000000PROY1-T-' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro3(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,estcla,denestpro3) VALUES ('2008','0001','00000000000000000000PROY1','0000000000000000000000AE1','0000000000000000000004343','T',NULL), ) (2008-07-11 17:11:56) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000543-00000000000000000000PROY1-T-' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro3(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,estcla,denestpro3) VALUES ('2008','0001','00000000000000000000PROY1','0000000000000000000000AE1','0000000000000000000000543','T',NULL), ) (2008-07-11 17:14:52) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000033333-00000000000000000000PROY1-T-' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro3(ano_presupuesto,codemp,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,estcla,denestpro3) VALUES ('2008','0001','00000000000000000000PROY1','0000000000000000000000AE2','0000000000000000000033333','T',NULL), ) (2008-07-15 12:29:27) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_relacion_es`, CONSTRAINT `FK_SPE_RELA_REFERENCE_SFP_ESTP` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO4`, `CODESTPRO5`, `CODESTPRO3`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`, `CODESTPR)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_relacion_es(codemp,codinte,codest1,codest2,codest3,codest4,codest5,estcla_p,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,codestpro4,codestpro5,estcla,ano_presupuesto,spe_codemp,codorgej) VALUES ('0001','','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000000','0000000000000000000000001','T','00000000000000000000PROY1','0000000000000000000000AE2','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000000','0000000000000000000000000','T','2008',NULL,'0001'), ) (2008-07-15 12:35:03) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_relacion_es`, CONSTRAINT `FK_SPE_RELA_REFERENCE_SFP_ESTP` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CODESTPRO4`, `CODESTPRO5`, `CODESTPRO3`, `CODESTPRO1`, `ESTCLA`, `CODESTPR)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_relacion_es(codemp,codinte,codest1,codest2,codest3,codest4,codest5,estcla_p,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,codestpro4,codestpro5,estcla,ano_presupuesto,spe_codemp,codorgej) VALUES ('0001','','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000000','0000000000000000000000001','T','00000000000000000000PROY1','0000000000000000000000AE2','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000000','0000000000000000000000000','T','2008',NULL,'0001'), ) (2008-07-15 16:32:31) mysqlt error: [1146: Table 'db_sfp_2008.spe_est_ub3' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `spe_est_ub3`") (2008-07-15 19:05:21) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '7' for key 2] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_int_ub3(codinte,codemp,codubgeo2,codubgeo1,codubgeo3) VALUES ('7','0001','0008','0001','0078'), ) (2008-07-16 09:34:20) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '9' for key 2] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_est_unadmin(codemp,coduac,codinte,nivel) VALUES ('0001','00002','9','3'), ) (2008-07-16 15:00:25) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin`, CONSTRAINT `FK_spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin_2` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CUENTA`, `CODINTE`) REFERENCES `spe_int_cuentas` (`ANO_PRESUPU)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin(ano_presupuesto,cuenta,codinte,cod_fuenfin,montoa) VALUES ('2009','401042601','12','0003','54'), ) (2008-07-16 15:08:25) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin`, CONSTRAINT `FK_spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin_2` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CUENTA`, `CODINTE`) REFERENCES `spe_int_cuentas` (`ANO_PRESUPU)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin(ano_presupuesto,cuenta,codinte,cod_fuenfin,montoa) VALUES ('2009','401042601','13','0003','54'), ) (2008-07-16 15:32:40) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin`, CONSTRAINT `FK_spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin_2` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CUENTA`, `CODINTE`) REFERENCES `spe_int_cuentas` (`ANO_PRESUPU)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin(ano_presupuesto,cuenta,codinte,cod_fuenfin,montoa) VALUES ('2009','401042601','18','0003','54'), ) (2008-07-16 15:35:13) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin`, CONSTRAINT `FK_spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin_2` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CUENTA`, `CODINTE`) REFERENCES `spe_int_cuentas` (`ANO_PRESUPU)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin(ano_presupuesto,cuenta,codinte,cod_fuenfin,montoa) VALUES ('2009','401042601','19','0003','54'), ) (2008-07-16 15:37:06) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0000000000000000000000001-0000000000000000000000001-000000000000' for key 3] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_relacion_es(codemp,codinte,codest1,codest2,codest3,codest4,codest5,estcla_p,codestpro1,codestpro2,codestpro3,codestpro4,codestpro5,estcla,ano_presupuesto,spe_codemp,codorgej) VALUES ('0001','','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000001','0000000000000000000000000','0000000000000000000000001','T','00000000000000000000PROY1','0000000000000000000000AE2','0000000000000000346346456','0000000000000000000000000','0000000000000000000000000','T','2008',NULL,'0001'), ) (2008-07-16 15:38:36) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin`, CONSTRAINT `FK_spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin_2` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CUENTA`, `CODINTE`) REFERENCES `spe_int_cuentas` (`ANO_PRESUPU)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin(ano_presupuesto,cuenta,codinte,cod_fuenfin,montoa) VALUES ('2009','401011200','20','0003','34'), ) (2008-07-16 16:08:48) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin`, CONSTRAINT `FK_spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin_2` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CUENTA`, `CODINTE`) REFERENCES `spe_int_cuentas` (`ANO_PRESUPU)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin(ano_presupuesto,cuenta,codinte,cod_fuenfin,montoa) VALUES ('2009','401011200','25','0003','34'), ) (2008-07-16 16:20:05) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin`, CONSTRAINT `FK_spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin_2` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CUENTA`, `CODINTE`) REFERENCES `spe_int_cuentas` (`ANO_PRESUPU)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin(ano_presupuesto,cuenta,codinte,cod_fuenfin,montoa) VALUES ('2009','401011200','26','0003','34'), ) (2008-07-16 16:24:34) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin`, CONSTRAINT `FK_spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin_2` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CUENTA`, `CODINTE`) REFERENCES `spe_int_cuentas` (`ANO_PRESUPU)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin(ano_presupuesto,cuenta,codinte,cod_fuenfin,montoa) VALUES ('2009','401011200','27','0003','34'), ) (2008-07-16 16:25:50) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin`, CONSTRAINT `FK_spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin_2` FOREIGN KEY (`ANO_PRESUPUESTO`, `CODEMP`, `CUENTA`, `CODINTE`) REFERENCES `spe_int_cuentas` (`ANO_PRESUPU)] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin(ano_presupuesto,cuenta,codinte,cod_fuenfin,montoa) VALUES ('2009','401011200','28','0003','34'), ) (2008-07-16 16:44:53) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '30' for key 2] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin(ano_presupuesto,codemp,cuenta,codinte,cod_fuenfin,montoa) VALUES ('2009','0001','401010300','30','0003','43'), ) (2008-07-17 17:38:49) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'spi_cuenta' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and spi_cuenta like '%4%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and spi_cuenta like '%4%')") (2008-07-17 17:38:49) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'spi_cuenta' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and spi_cuenta like '%40%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and spi_cuenta like '%40%')") (2008-07-17 17:38:50) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'spi_cuenta' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and spi_cuenta like '%401%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and spi_cuenta like '%401%')") (2008-07-17 17:42:27) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%401%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and spi_cuenta like '%401%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like '%401%')") (2008-07-17 18:52:27) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '3%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like '3%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like '3%')") (2008-07-17 18:52:30) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like '%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like '%')") (2008-07-17 19:03:03) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'd%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'd%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'd%')") (2008-07-17 19:03:03) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'di%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'di%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'di%')") (2008-07-17 19:03:03) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'dis%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'dis%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'dis%')") (2008-07-17 19:03:05) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'dism%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'dism%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'dism%')") (2008-07-17 19:03:05) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'dismi%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'dismi%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'dismi%')") (2008-07-17 19:03:05) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'dismin%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'dismin%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'dismin%')") (2008-07-17 19:03:07) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'dismi%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'dismi%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'dismi%')") (2008-07-17 19:03:07) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'dism%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'dism%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'dism%')") (2008-07-17 19:03:07) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'dis%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'dis%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'dis%')") (2008-07-17 19:03:07) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'di%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'di%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'di%')") (2008-07-17 19:03:07) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'd%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'd%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'd%')") (2008-07-17 19:03:07) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like '%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like '%')") (2008-07-17 19:03:12) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'e%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'e%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'e%')") (2008-07-17 19:03:14) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like '%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like '%')") (2008-07-18 12:02:09) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'spi_cuenta' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select sc_cuenta,denominacion from scg_cuentas where spi_cuenta like 'spg_cuenta%' and scg_cuentas.status='C'") (2008-07-18 12:02:18) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'spi_cuenta' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select sc_cuenta,denominacion from scg_cuentas where spi_cuenta like 'spg_cuenta%' and scg_cuentas.status='C'") (2008-07-18 12:03:09) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'spi_cuenta' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select sc_cuenta,denominacion from scg_cuentas where spi_cuenta like 'spg_cuenta%' and sc_cuentas.status='C'") (2008-07-18 12:04:58) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'spi_cuenta' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select sc_cuenta,denominacion from scg_cuentas where spi_cuenta like 'spg_cuenta%' and sc_cuentas.status='C'") (2008-07-18 12:11:16) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'spi_cuenta' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select sc_cuenta,denominacion from scg_cuentas where spi_cuenta like 'spg_cuenta%' and sc_cuentas.status='C'") (2008-07-18 12:11:40) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'sc_cuentas.status' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select sc_cuenta,denominacion from scg_cuentas where sc_cuenta like 'spg_cuenta%' and sc_cuentas.status='C'") (2008-07-18 12:12:26) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'sc_cuentas.status' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select sc_cuenta,denominacion from scg_cuentas where sc_cuenta like 'spg_cuenta%' and sc_cuentas.status='C'") (2008-07-18 12:12:33) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'sc_cuentas.status' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select sc_cuenta,denominacion from scg_cuentas where sc_cuenta like 'spg_cuenta%' and sc_cuentas.status='C'") (2008-07-18 16:56:53) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like '%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like '%')") (2008-07-18 16:57:08) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'i%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'i%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'i%')") (2008-07-18 16:57:09) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'in%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'in%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'in%')") (2008-07-18 16:57:10) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'inc%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'inc%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'inc%')") (2008-07-18 16:57:10) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'incr%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'incr%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'incr%')") (2008-07-18 16:57:11) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'incre%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'incre%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'incre%')") (2008-07-18 16:57:15) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like '%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like '%')") (2008-07-18 16:58:53) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like '%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like '%')") (2008-07-18 17:02:03) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'i%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'i%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'i%')") (2008-07-18 17:02:03) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'in%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'in%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'in%')") (2008-07-18 17:02:05) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'inc%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'inc%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'inc%')") (2008-07-18 17:02:05) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'incr%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'incr%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'incr%')") (2008-07-18 17:02:05) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'incre%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'incre%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'incre%')") (2008-07-18 17:02:06) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'incr%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'incr%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'incr%')") (2008-07-18 17:02:06) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'inc%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'inc%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'inc%')") (2008-07-18 17:02:06) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'in%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'in%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'in%')") (2008-07-18 17:02:06) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'i%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'i%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'i%')") (2008-07-18 17:02:07) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like '%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like '%')") (2008-07-18 17:02:07) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like '%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like '%')") (2008-07-18 17:02:08) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 't%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 't%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 't%')") (2008-07-18 17:02:09) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like '%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like '%')") (2008-07-18 17:02:10) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'a%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'a%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'a%')") (2008-07-18 17:02:12) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like '%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like '%')") (2008-07-18 17:04:09) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like '%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like '%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like '%')") (2008-07-21 09:16:43) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'f%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'f%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'f%')") (2008-07-21 09:16:57) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'd%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'd%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'd%')") (2008-07-21 09:17:07) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'e%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'e%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'e%')") (2008-07-21 09:18:59) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'e%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'e%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'e%')") (2008-07-21 09:19:16) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'like 'i%')' at line 1] in EXECUTE("(select spi_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spi_cuentas where spi_cuentas.status='C' and denominacion like 'i%')union (select spg_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from spg_cuentas where spg_cuentas.status='C' and like 'i%')") (2008-07-21 15:59:38) mysqlt error: [1048: Column 'CODGI' cannot be null] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_conversiones(codemp,codgi,codco1,codco2,codvp,colvp,codcai) VALUES ('0001',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL), ) (2008-07-22 16:16:08) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000002-A' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1 (codemp,codestpro1,estcla,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','0000000000000000000000002','Acción Centralizada',2008,'UU','wwwwww'), ) (2008-07-22 16:23:19) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000002-A' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1 (codemp,codestpro1,estcla,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','0000000000000000000000002','Acción Centralizada',2008,'UU','wwwwww'), ) (2008-07-22 16:26:55) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000002-A' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1 (codemp,codestpro1,estcla,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','0000000000000000000000002','Acción Centralizada',2008,'UU','wwwwww'), ) (2008-07-22 16:33:15) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000002-A' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1 (codemp,codestpro1,estcla,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','0000000000000000000000002','Acción Centralizada',2008,'UU','wwwwww'), ) (2008-07-22 16:33:59) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '2008-0001-0000000000000000000000002-A' for key 1] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1 (codemp,codestpro1,estcla,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1) VALUES ('0001','0000000000000000000000002','Acción Centralizada',2008,'UU','wwwwww'), ) (2008-07-25 12:31:08) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'where tipo='PL'' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select max(nivel) as nivel from where tipo='PL'") (2008-07-25 12:34:13) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'where tipo='PL'' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select max(nivel) as nivel from where tipo='PL'") (2008-07-25 15:14:22) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'e2.denestrpro2' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("select i.codinte,i.codinte,p1.codest1,p1.denest1,p2.codest2,p2.denest2,p3.codest3,p3.denest3,p4.codest4,p4.denest4,p5.codest5,p5.denest5,e2.codestpro2,e2.denestrpro2,e1.denestpro1,e1.codestpro1,e3.codestpro3,e3.denestpro3 from spe_relacion_es as i ,spe_estpro1 as p1,spe_estpro2 as p2,spe_estpro3 as p3,spe_estpro4 as p4,spe_estpro5 as p5,sfp_estpro1 as e1,sfp_estpro2 as e2,sfp_estpro3 as e3 where i.codinte<>0 and p5.codest1=i.codest1 and p5.codest2=i.codest2 and p5.codest3=i.codest3 and p5.codest4=i.codest4 and p5.codest5=i.codest5 and p4.codest1=i.codest1 and p4.codest2=i.codest2 and p4.codest3=i.codest3 and p4.codest4=i.codest4 and p3.codest1=i.codest1 and p3.codest2=i.codest2 and p3.codest3=i.codest3 and p2.codest1=i.codest1 and p2.codest2=i.codest2 and p1.codest1=i.codest1 and e3.codestpro1=i.codestpro1 and e3.codestpro2=i.codestpro2 and e3.codestpro3=i.codestpro3 and e2.codestpro1=i.codestpro1 and e2.codestpro2=i.codestpro2 and e1.codestpro1=i.codestpro1 and e3.codestpro1='00000000000000000000PROY1' and e3.codestpro2='0000000000000000000000AE2' and e3.codestpro3='0000000000000000346346456'") (2008-07-28 10:58:01) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'as numero from sfp_conf_niveles where tipo='PR'' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select * as numero from sfp_conf_niveles where tipo='PR'") (2008-07-29 09:33:14) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'spe_int_ub3.coduac' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("select spe_int_ub3.coduac,sfp_estructura_ad.denuac from spe_int_ub3 inner join sfp_estructura_ad on spe_int_ub3.coduac=sfp_estructura_ad.coduac and spe_int_ub3.nivel=sfp_estructura_ad.nivel and spe_int_ub3.codemp=sfp_estructura_ad.codemp where spe_int_ub3.codinte =1") (2008-07-29 09:46:26) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'from spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin inner join sfp_fuentefinanciamientos on spe_int_' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select spe_int_cuentas.sig_cuenta,spe_int_cuentas.codinte,sfp_fuentefinanciamientos.denfuefin,sfp_fuentefinanciamientos.codfuefin,spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin.montoA,from spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin inner join sfp_fuentefinanciamientos on spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin.cod_fuenfin=sfp_fuentefinanciamientos.cod_fuenfin inner join spe_int_cuentas on spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin.codinte=spe_int_cuentas.codinte and spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin.cuenta=spe_int_cuentas.sig_cuenta and spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin.codemp=spe_int_cuentas.codemp and spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin.ano_presupuesto=spe_int_cuentas.ano_presupuesto where spe_int_cuentas.codinte =1") (2008-07-31 08:57:10) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-07-31 09:34:09) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '.sig_cuenta as spg_cuenta,spe_int_cuentas.codinte,sfp_fuentefinanciamientos.denf' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select sigesp_plan_unico_re2.denominacion spe_int_cuentas.sig_cuenta as spg_cuenta,spe_int_cuentas.codinte,sfp_fuentefinanciamientos.denfuefin,sfp_fuentefinanciamientos.cod_fuenfin,spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin.montoA from spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin inner join sfp_fuentefinanciamientos on spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin.cod_fuenfin=sfp_fuentefinanciamientos.cod_fuenfin inner join spe_int_cuentas on spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin.codinte=spe_int_cuentas.codinte and spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin.cuenta=spe_int_cuentas.sig_cuenta and spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin.codemp=spe_int_cuentas.codemp and spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin.ano_presupuesto=spe_int_cuentas.ano_presupuesto inner join sigesp_plan_unico_re2 spe_int_cuentas.sig_cuenta=sigesp_plan_unico_re2.sig_cuenta on where spe_int_cuentas.codinte =1") (2008-07-31 09:55:52) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '.sig_cuenta as spg_cuenta,spe_int_cuentas.codinte,sfp_fuentefinanciamientos.denf' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select sigesp_plan_unico_re2.denominacion spe_int_cuentas.sig_cuenta as spg_cuenta,spe_int_cuentas.codinte,sfp_fuentefinanciamientos.denfuefin,sfp_fuentefinanciamientos.cod_fuenfin,spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin.montoA from spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin inner join sfp_fuentefinanciamientos on spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin.cod_fuenfin=sfp_fuentefinanciamientos.cod_fuenfin inner join spe_int_cuentas on spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin.codinte=spe_int_cuentas.codinte and spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin.cuenta=spe_int_cuentas.sig_cuenta and spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin.codemp=spe_int_cuentas.codemp and spe_int_cuenta_dtfuentefin.ano_presupuesto=spe_int_cuentas.ano_presupuesto inner join sigesp_plan_unico_re2 on spe_int_cuentas.sig_cuenta=sigesp_plan_unico_re2.sig_cuenta where spe_int_cuentas.codinte =1") (2008-08-02 11:28:25) sqlanywhere error: [S0002: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Table or view not found: Table 'spe_plan_ingresos' not found] in EXECUTE("select spe_plan_ingresos.*,spe_plan_ingresos.enero+spe_plan_ingresos.febrero+spe_plan_ingresos.marzo+spe_plan_ingresos.abril+spe_plan_ingresos.mayo+spe_plan_ingresos.junio+spe_plan_ingresos.julio+spe_plan_ingresos.agosto+spe_plan_ingresos.septiembre+spe_plan_ingresos.octubre+spe_plan_ingresos.noviembre+spe_plan_ingresos.diciembre as montoGlobal,spi_cuentas.denominacion from spe_plan_ingresos inner join spi_cuentas on spe_plan_ingresos.spi_cuenta=spi_cuentas.spi_cuenta") (2008-08-02 12:15:06) sqlanywhere error: [S0002: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Table or view not found: Table 'clientes' not found] in EXECUTE("select * from clientes") (2008-08-03 11:38:07) sqlanywhere error: [08001: Connection error to server 'facturacion' with user 'dba'] in CONNECT(facturacion, '****', '****', db_facturacion_sigesp) (2008-08-03 11:39:05) sqlanywhere error: [08001: Connection error to server 'facturacion' with user 'dba'] in CONNECT(facturacion, '****', '****', db_facturacion_sigesp) (2008-08-03 11:39:40) sqlanywhere error: [08001: Connection error to server 'facturacion' with user 'dba'] in CONNECT(facturacion, '****', '****', db_facturacion_sigesp) (2008-08-03 11:40:11) sqlanywhere error: [08001: Connection error to server 'facturacion' with user 'dba'] in CONNECT(facturacion, '****', '****', db_facturacion_sigesp) (2008-08-03 11:43:20) sqlanywhere error: [IM002: Connection error to server 'xxx' with user 'dba'] in CONNECT(xxx, '****', '****', db_facturacion_sigesp) (2008-08-03 11:43:38) sqlanywhere error: [IM002: Connection error to server 'xxx' with user 'dba'] in CONNECT(xxx, '****', '****', db_facturacion_sigesp) (2008-08-03 11:44:07) sqlanywhere error: [IM002: Connection error to server 'xxx' with user 'dba'] in CONNECT(xxx, '****', '****', db_facturacion_sigesp) (2008-08-03 11:45:31) sqlanywhere error: [08001: Connection error to server 'facturacion' with user 'dba'] in CONNECT(facturacion, '****', '****', db_facturacion_sigesp) (2008-08-03 11:47:57) sqlanywhere error: [IM002: Connection error to server 'xxx' with user 'dba'] in CONNECT(xxx, '****', '****', db_facturacion_sigesp) (2008-08-04 09:26:06) sqlanywhere error: [08001: Connection error to server 'facturacion' with user 'dba'] in CONNECT(facturacion, '****', '****', db_facturacion_sigesp) (2008-08-04 09:26:24) sqlanywhere error: [08001: Connection error to server 'facturacion' with user 'dba'] in CONNECT(facturacion, '****', '****', db_facturacion_sigesp) (2008-08-04 11:34:53) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert 1/7/2008 to a timestamp] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sch_registro(cedcon,hi,hf,cantidad,codcli,codproy,codser,codtiphor,codmod,fecsys,nota,tcpip,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,facturable,contabilizado,codofi,numfac,mie) VALUES ('0000000001','1:45 AM','2:15 AM','2','Aguas de Yaracuy','3','0000000013 MANTENIMIENTO AL SISTEMA PROPIETARIO CLASIFICACIÓN-> DESARROLLO',NULL,' SCG Contabilidad Patrimonial','1/7/2008','ssssssssssssss','wwss','3','wwwwwwwwwww','wwwwwwwwwwwww','on','on','on','on','1','1','1','1','1','1'), ) (2008-08-04 11:35:20) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert 1/7/2008 to a timestamp] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sch_registro(cedcon,hi,hf,cantidad,codcli,codproy,codser,codtiphor,codmod,fecsys,nota,tcpip,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,facturable,contabilizado,codofi,numfac,mie) VALUES ('0000000001','1:45 AM','2:15 AM','2','Aguas de Yaracuy','3','0000000013 MANTENIMIENTO AL SISTEMA PROPIETARIO CLASIFICACIÓN-> DESARROLLO',NULL,' SCG Contabilidad Patrimonial','1/7/2008','ssssssssssssss','wwss','3','wwwwwwwwwww','wwwwwwwwwwwww','on','on','on','on','1','1','1','1','1','1'), ) (2008-08-04 11:36:09) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert 1/7/2008 to a timestamp] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sch_registro(cedcon,hi,hf,cantidad,codcli,codproy,codser,codtiphor,codmod,fecsys,nota,tcpip,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,facturable,contabilizado,codofi,numfac,mie) VALUES ('0000000001','1:45 AM','2:15 AM','2','Aguas de Yaracuy','3','0000000013 MANTENIMIENTO AL SISTEMA PROPIETARIO CLASIFICACIÓN-> DESARROLLO',NULL,' SCG Contabilidad Patrimonial','1/7/2008','ssssssssssssss','wwss','3','wwwwwwwwwww','wwwwwwwwwwwww','on','on','on','on','1','1','1','1','1','1'), ) (2008-08-04 12:47:05) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert to a timestamp] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sch_registro(cedcon,hi,hf,cantidad,codcli,codproy,codser,codtiphor,codmod,fecsys,nota,tcpip,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,facturable,contabilizado,codofi,numfac,mie) VALUES ('0000000001','12:15 AM','1:00 AM','2','0000000005','222','0000000014',NULL,' SIV','','ssssssss','wwss','22','ssssssssss','sssssssssssssss','on','on','on','on','1','1','1','1','1','1'), ) (2008-08-04 12:57:21) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert to a timestamp] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sch_registro(cedcon,fecreg,hi,hf,cantidad,codcli,codproy,codser,codtiphor,codmod,fecsys,nota,tcpip,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,facturable,contabilizado,codofi,numfac,mie) VALUES ('0000000001','86-09-01','12:15 AM','','','0000000003','w','0000000012',NULL,' SCF','','sssss','wwss','w','ssss','sssss','on','on','on','on','1','1','1','1','1','1'), ) (2008-08-04 15:20:45) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert to a timestamp] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sch_registro(cedcon,fecreg,hi,hf,cantidad,codcli,codproy,codser,codtiphor,codmod,fecsys,nota,tcpip,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,facturable,contabilizado,codofi,numfac,mie) VALUES ('0000000001','08-07-04','12:15 AM','1:00 AM','2','0000000002','w','0000000012',NULL,' SCF','','sss','wwss','w','s','ssss','on','on','on','on','1','1','1','1','1','1'), ) (2008-08-04 15:34:56) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert on to a int] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sch_registro(cedcon,fecreg,hi,hf,cantidad,codcli,codproy,codser,codtiphor,codmod,fecsys,nota,tcpip,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,facturable,contabilizado,codofi,numfac,mie) VALUES ('0000000001','08-08-04','12:15 AM','12:45 AM','23','0000000002','ee','0000000012',NULL,' SPG','2008-08-04','ddd
','wwss','ee','vvvvvvvvv','zzzxxx','on','on','on','on','1','1','1','1','1','1'), ) (2008-08-05 12:41:48) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert 2008-30-08 to a timestamp] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sch_registro(cedcon,fecreg,hi,hf,cantidad,codcli,codproy,codser,codtiphor,codmod,fecsys,nota,tcpip,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,facturable,contabilizado,codofi,numfac,mie) VALUES ('0000000001','2008-30-08','12:15 AM','12:45 AM','2','0000000003 Aguas de Yaracuy','4','0000000014 MANTENIMIENTO AL SISTEMA WEB PHP CLASIFICACIÓN-> DESARROLLO',NULL,' SPI Contabilidad Presupuestaria de Ingresos','2008-08-04','wwww','wwss','2','www','wwww','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1'), ) (2008-08-07 15:04:12) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select spe_int_prob.codprob,spe_problemas.denominacion,spe_problemas.descripcion,spe_problemas.causa,spe_problemas.efecto,spe_int_prob.codinte from spe_int_prob inner join spe_problemas on spe_int_prob.codprob=spe_problemas.codprob where spe_int_prob.codinte =") (2008-08-07 15:38:30) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select spe_int_prob.codprob,spe_problemas.denominacion,spe_problemas.descripcion,spe_problemas.causa,spe_problemas.efecto,spe_int_prob.codinte from spe_int_prob inner join spe_problemas on spe_int_prob.codprob=spe_problemas.codprob where spe_int_prob.codinte =") (2008-08-07 15:42:59) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select spe_int_prob.codprob,spe_problemas.denominacion,spe_problemas.descripcion,spe_problemas.causa,spe_problemas.efecto,spe_int_prob.codinte from spe_int_prob inner join spe_problemas on spe_int_prob.codprob=spe_problemas.codprob where spe_int_prob.codinte =") (2008-08-11 10:28:54) sqlanywhere error: [08001: Connection error to server 'facturacion' with user 'dba'] in CONNECT(facturacion, '****', '****', db_facturacion_sigesp) (2008-08-11 18:09:59) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro1`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_15` FOREIGN KEY (`CODEMP`) REFERENCES `sigesp_sfp_empresa` (`codemp`))] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,codestpro1,estcla,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1,fecha_ini,fecha_fin,responsable,costototal) VALUES ('','000000000000000000000000t','Acción Centralizada','','UU','Deraaa','28/08/2008','20/08/2008','www',''), ) (2008-08-11 18:11:49) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro1`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_15` FOREIGN KEY (`CODEMP`) REFERENCES `sigesp_sfp_empresa` (`codemp`))] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(codemp,codestpro1,estcla,ano_presupuesto,coduac,denestpro1,fecha_ini,fecha_fin,responsable,costototal) VALUES ('','00000000000000000000000r4','Proyecto','','UU','dfgsfgdfg','2008-08-11','2008-08-11','33','333'), ) (2008-08-11 18:33:39) mysqlt error: [1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db_sfp_2008/sfp_estpro1`, CONSTRAINT `FK_REFERENCE_15` FOREIGN KEY (`CODEMP`) REFERENCES `sigesp_sfp_empresa` (`codemp`))] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sfp_estpro1(coduac,denestpro1,fecha_ini,fecha_fin,responsable,costototal) VALUES (NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL), ) (2008-08-12 17:27:38) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select spe_int_prob.codprob,spe_problemas.denominacion,spe_problemas.descripcion,spe_problemas.causa,spe_problemas.efecto,spe_int_prob.codinte from spe_int_prob inner join spe_problemas on spe_int_prob.codprob=spe_problemas.codprob where spe_int_prob.codinte =") (2008-08-13 09:20:36) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select spe_int_prob.codprob,spe_problemas.denominacion,spe_problemas.descripcion,spe_problemas.causa,spe_problemas.efecto,spe_int_prob.codinte from spe_int_prob inner join spe_problemas on spe_int_prob.codprob=spe_problemas.codprob where spe_int_prob.codinte =") (2008-08-13 09:20:56) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] in EXECUTE("select spe_int_prob.codprob,spe_problemas.denominacion,spe_problemas.descripcion,spe_problemas.causa,spe_problemas.efecto,spe_int_prob.codinte from spe_int_prob inner join spe_problemas on spe_int_prob.codprob=spe_problemas.codprob where spe_int_prob.codinte =") (2008-08-14 10:25:36) mysqlt error: [1146: Table 'db_sfp_2008.sigesp_cmp' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("SELECT comprobante FROM sigesp_cmp WHERE codemp='0001' AND procede='SFPG' AND comprobante='0000SFPG001' AND fecha= '2008-01-01' ") (2008-08-14 12:09:10) mysqlt error: [1146: Table 'db_sfp_2008.sigesp_cmp' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO sigesp_cmp (codemp, procede, comprobante, fecha, descripcion, tipo_comp, tipo_destino, total) VALUES ('0001', 'SFPG', '0000SFPG001', '2008-01-01','Formulacion de presupuesto de ingresos', 1, 'N', '', '', 0, '','')") (2008-08-14 12:09:52) mysqlt error: [1136: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO sigesp_sfp_cmp (codemp, procede, comprobante, fecha, descripcion, tipo_comp, tipo_destino, total) VALUES ('0001', 'SFPG', '0000SFPG001', '2008-01-01','Formulacion de presupuesto de ingresos', 1, 'N', '', '', 0, '','')") (2008-08-14 16:15:58) mysqlt error: [1146: Table 'db_sfp_2008.sigesp_procedencias' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("SELECT procede, desproc FROM sigesp_procedencias WHERE procede='SFPFGI'") (2008-08-14 16:35:31) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'FIG','Formulacion de Ingresos y gastos del modulo de formulacion presupuestaria'' at line 1] in EXECUTE("insert into sigesp_procedencias values('SFPFGI','SFP',''FIG','Formulacion de Ingresos y gastos del modulo de formulacion presupuestaria'})") (2008-08-14 16:37:23) mysqlt error: [1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '})' at line 1] in EXECUTE("insert into sigesp_procedencias values('SFPFGI','SFP','FIG','Formulacion de Ingresos y gastos del modulo de formulacion presupuestaria'})") (2008-08-14 16:39:50) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-SFPG-0000SFPG00i0-2008-01-01 00:00:00' for key 1] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO sigesp_sfp_cmp (codemp, procede, comprobante, fecha, descripcion, tipo_comp, tipo_destino) VALUES ('0001', 'SFPG', '0000SFPG00i0', '2008-01-01','Formulacion de presupuesto de ingresos', 1, 'Array')") (2008-08-14 18:04:27) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-SFPG-0000SFPG00i5-2008-01-01 00:00:00' for key 1] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO sigesp_sfp_cmp (codemp, procede, comprobante, fecha, descripcion, tipo_comp, tipo_destino) VALUES ('0001', 'SFPG', '0000SFPG00i5', '2008-01-01','Formulacion de presupuesto de ingresos', 1, 'Array')") (2008-08-14 18:05:17) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-SFPG-00980SFPG00i5-2008-01-01 00:00:00' for key 1] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO sigesp_sfp_cmp (codemp, procede, comprobante, fecha, descripcion, tipo_comp, tipo_destino) VALUES ('0001', 'SFPG', '00980SFPG00i5', '2008-01-01','Formulacion de presupuesto de ingresos', 1, 'Array')") (2008-08-14 18:06:58) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-SFPG-0440980SFPG00i5-2008-01-01 00:00:00' for key 1] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO sigesp_sfp_cmp (codemp, procede, comprobante, fecha, descripcion, tipo_comp, tipo_destino) VALUES ('0001', 'SFPG', '0440980SFPG00i5', '2008-01-01','Formulacion de presupuesto de ingresos', 1, 'Array')") (2008-08-14 18:14:12) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-SFPG-00s00ddss2783hb-2008-01-01 00:00:00' for key 1] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO sigesp_sfp_cmp (codemp, procede, comprobante, fecha, descripcion, tipo_comp, tipo_destino) VALUES ('0001', 'SFPG', '00s00ddss2783hbe', '2008-01-01','Formulacion de presupuesto de ingresos', 1, 'Array')") (2008-08-14 18:22:19) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-SFPG-00s00ee7zzz83hb-2008-01-01 00:00:00' for key 1] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO sigesp_sfp_cmp (codemp, procede, comprobante, fecha, descripcion, tipo_comp, tipo_destino) VALUES ('0001', 'SFPG', '00s00ee7zzz83hbe', '2008-01-01','Formulacion de presupuesto de ingresos', 1, 'N')") (2008-08-14 18:22:45) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-SFPG-00s00ee7zzz83hb-2008-01-01 00:00:00' for key 1] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO sigesp_sfp_cmp (codemp, procede, comprobante, fecha, descripcion, tipo_comp, tipo_destino) VALUES ('0001', 'SFPG', '00s00ee7zzz83hbe', '2008-01-01','Formulacion de presupuesto de ingresos', 1, 'N')") (2008-08-14 18:22:46) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-SFPG-00s00ee7zzz83hb-2008-01-01 00:00:00' for key 1] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO sigesp_sfp_cmp (codemp, procede, comprobante, fecha, descripcion, tipo_comp, tipo_destino) VALUES ('0001', 'SFPG', '00s00ee7zzz83hbe', '2008-01-01','Formulacion de presupuesto de ingresos', 1, 'N')") (2008-08-14 18:22:46) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-SFPG-00s00ee7zzz83hb-2008-01-01 00:00:00' for key 1] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO sigesp_sfp_cmp (codemp, procede, comprobante, fecha, descripcion, tipo_comp, tipo_destino) VALUES ('0001', 'SFPG', '00s00ee7zzz83hbe', '2008-01-01','Formulacion de presupuesto de ingresos', 1, 'N')") (2008-08-14 18:23:43) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-SFPG-00s00ee7zzz83hb-2008-01-01 00:00:00' for key 1] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO sigesp_sfp_cmp (codemp, procede, comprobante, fecha, descripcion, tipo_comp, tipo_destino) VALUES ('0001', 'SFPG', '00s00ee7zzz83hbe', '2008-01-01','Formulacion de presupuesto de ingresos', 1, 'N')") (2008-08-14 18:26:24) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-SFPG-00s00ee7zzz83hb-2008-01-01 00:00:00' for key 1] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO sigesp_sfp_cmp (codemp, procede, comprobante, fecha, descripcion, tipo_comp, tipo_destino) VALUES ('0001', 'SFPG', '00s00ee7zzz83hbe', '2008-01-01','Formulacion de presupuesto de ingresos', 1, 'N')") (2008-08-14 18:26:26) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-SFPG-00s00ee7zzz83hb-2008-01-01 00:00:00' for key 1] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO sigesp_sfp_cmp (codemp, procede, comprobante, fecha, descripcion, tipo_comp, tipo_destino) VALUES ('0001', 'SFPG', '00s00ee7zzz83hbe', '2008-01-01','Formulacion de presupuesto de ingresos', 1, 'N')") (2008-08-14 18:26:27) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-SFPG-00s00ee7zzz83hb-2008-01-01 00:00:00' for key 1] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO sigesp_sfp_cmp (codemp, procede, comprobante, fecha, descripcion, tipo_comp, tipo_destino) VALUES ('0001', 'SFPG', '00s00ee7zzz83hbe', '2008-01-01','Formulacion de presupuesto de ingresos', 1, 'N')") (2008-08-14 18:26:29) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-SFPG-00s00ee7zzz83hb-2008-01-01 00:00:00' for key 1] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO sigesp_sfp_cmp (codemp, procede, comprobante, fecha, descripcion, tipo_comp, tipo_destino) VALUES ('0001', 'SFPG', '00s00ee7zzz83hbe', '2008-01-01','Formulacion de presupuesto de ingresos', 1, 'N')") (2008-08-14 18:38:39) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-SFPG-00s00ee7zzz83hb-2008-01-01' for key 1] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO sigesp_sfp_cmp (codemp, procede, comprobante, fecha, descripcion, tipo_comp, tipo_destino) VALUES ('0001', 'SFPG', '00s00ee7zzz83hbe', '2008-01-01','Formulacion de presupuesto de ingresos', 1, 'N')") (2008-08-14 18:38:40) mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry '0001-SFPG-00s00ee7zzz83hb-2008-01-01' for key 1] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO sigesp_sfp_cmp (codemp, procede, comprobante, fecha, descripcion, tipo_comp, tipo_destino) VALUES ('0001', 'SFPG', '00s00ee7zzz83hbe', '2008-01-01','Formulacion de presupuesto de ingresos', 1, 'N')") (2008-08-15 10:05:52) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'procede_doc' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("SELECT monto, orden FROM scg_dt_sfp_cmp WHERE codemp='0001' AND procede='SFPG' AND comprobante='12wertg9' AND fecha='2008-01-01' AND procede_doc='SFPFGI' AND documento ='1000' AND sc_cuenta='0001' AND debhab='D'") (2008-08-15 11:56:20) mysqlt error: [1146: Table 'db_sfp_2008.scg_dt_cmp' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE(" SELECT count(*) as orden FROM scg_dt_cmp WHERE codemp='0001' AND procede= 'SFPG' AND comprobante= 'asd623' AND fecha='2008-01-01'") (2008-08-15 12:21:11) mysqlt error: [1146: Table 'db_sfp_2008.scg_sfp_dt_cmp' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO scg_sfp_dt_cmp(codemp,procede,comprobante,fecha,sc_cuenta,procede_doc,documento,debhab,descripcion,monto,orden) VALUES ('0001','SFPG','abghd974','2008-01-01','0001', 'SFPFGI','1000','D','Formulacion de presupuesto de ingresos',1000,0)") (2008-08-15 12:22:19) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'procede_doc' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO scg_dt_sfp_cmp(codemp,procede,comprobante,fecha,sc_cuenta,procede_doc,documento,debhab,descripcion,monto,orden) VALUES ('0001','SFPG','1234er','2008-01-01','0001', 'SFPFGI','1000','D','Formulacion de presupuesto de ingresos',1000,0)") (2008-08-15 16:09:25) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'sfp_conversiones.codco1' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select codgi,codvp,dengi,denvp,sfp_conversiones.colvp,tblCont1.sc_cuenta as codco1,tblCont1.denominacion as denco1,tblCont2.sc_cuenta as codco2,tblCont2.denominacion as denco2 from sfp_conversiones,scg_cuentas as tblCont1,scg_cuentas as tblCont2 where tblCont1.sc_cuenta=sfp_conversiones.codco1 and tblCont2.sc_cuenta=sfp_conversiones.codco2") (2008-08-15 16:14:24) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'sfp_conversiones.codco1' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select codgi,codvp,dengi,denvp,sfp_conversiones.colvp,tblCont1.sc_cuenta as codco1,tblCont1.denominacion as denco1,tblCont2.sc_cuenta as codco2,tblCont2.denominacion as denco2 from sfp_conversiones,scg_cuentas as tblCont1,scg_cuentas as tblCont2 where tblCont1.sc_cuenta=sfp_conversiones.codco1 and tblCont2.sc_cuenta=sfp_conversiones.codco2") (2008-08-15 16:18:46) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'sfp_conversiones.codco1' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select codgi,codvp,dengi,denvp,sfp_conversiones.colvp,tblCont1.sc_cuenta as codco1,tblCont1.denominacion as denco1,tblCont2.sc_cuenta as codco2,tblCont2.denominacion as denco2 from sfp_conversiones,scg_cuentas as tblCont1,scg_cuentas as tblCont2 where tblCont1.sc_cuenta=sfp_conversiones.codco1 and tblCont2.sc_cuenta=sfp_conversiones.codco2") (2008-08-15 16:20:41) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'sfp_conversiones.codco1' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select codgi,codvp,dengi,denvp,sfp_conversiones.colvp,tblCont1.sc_cuenta as codcod,tblCont1.denominacion as dencod,tblCont2.sc_cuenta as codcoh,tblCont2.denominacion as dencoh from sfp_conversiones,scg_cuentas as tblCont1,scg_cuentas as tblCont2 where tblCont1.sc_cuenta=sfp_conversiones.codco1 and tblCont2.sc_cuenta=sfp_conversiones.codcoh") (2008-08-18 10:48:33) sqlanywhere error: [08001: Connection error to server 'facturacion' with user 'dba'] in CONNECT(facturacion, '****', '****', db_facturacion_sigesp) (2008-08-18 11:39:12) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert to a timestamp] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sch_registro(cedcon,fecreg,hi,hf,cantidad,codcli,codproy,codser,codtiphor,codmod,fecsys,nota,tcpip,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,facturable,contabilizado,codofi,numfac,mie) VALUES ('0000000001','','12:15 AM','2:15 AM','2','0000000005','1','0000000014',NULL,' RPC','2008-08-04','undefined','wwss','1','undefined','undefined','false','false','false','false','1','1','1','1','1','1'), ) (2008-08-18 12:07:44) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert false to a int] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sch_registro(cedcon,fecreg,hi,hf,cantidad,codcli,codproy,codser,codtiphor,codmod,fecsys,nota,tcpip,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,facturable,contabilizado,codofi,numfac,mie) VALUES ('0000000001','2008-08-22','12:15 AM','3:00 AM','2','0000000005','1','0000000014',NULL,' SIV','2008-08-04','undefined','wwss','1','undefined','undefined','false','false','false','false','1','1','1','1','1','1'), ) (2008-08-18 12:10:20) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert false to a int] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sch_registro(cedcon,fecreg,hi,hf,cantidad,codcli,codproy,codser,codtiphor,codmod,fecsys,nota,tcpip,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,facturable,contabilizado,codofi,numfac,mie) VALUES ('0000000001','2008-08-22','12:15 AM','3:00 AM','2','0000000005','1','0000000014',NULL,' SIV','2008-08-04','undefined','wwss','1','undefined','undefined','false','true','false','false','1','1','1','1','1','1'), ) (2008-08-18 15:02:32) sqlanywhere error: [S0002: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Column not found: Column 'codcli' not found] in EXECUTE("select sch_registro.cedcon,sch_registro.fecreg,sch_registro.hf,sch_registro.hi,cantidad,sch_consultor.codcli,codproy,codser,codmod,nota,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_us,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,sch_consultor.nomcon,sif_clientes.nomcli,sch_servicios.denser,sch_modulos.denmod from sch_registro inner join sch_consultor on sch_registro.cedcon=sch_consultor.cedcon inner join sif_clientes on sif_clientes.codcli=sch_registro.codcli inner join sch_servicios on sch_servicios.codser=sch_registro.codser inner join sch_modulos on sch_modulos.codmod=sch_registro.codmod where sch_registro.cedcon='0000000001'") (2008-08-18 15:03:32) sqlanywhere error: [37000: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Syntax error or access violation: Column 'codcli' found in more than one table -- need a correlation name] in EXECUTE("select sch_registro.cedcon,sch_registro.fecreg,sch_registro.hf,sch_registro.hi,cantidad,codcli,codproy,codser,codmod,nota,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_us,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,sch_consultor.nomcon,sif_clientes.nomcli,sch_servicios.denser,sch_modulos.denmod from sch_registro inner join sch_consultor on sch_registro.cedcon=sch_consultor.cedcon inner join sif_clientes on sif_clientes.codcli=sch_registro.codcli inner join sch_servicios on sch_servicios.codser=sch_registro.codser inner join sch_modulos on sch_modulos.codmod=sch_registro.codmod where sch_registro.cedcon='0000000001'") (2008-08-18 15:05:00) sqlanywhere error: [37000: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Syntax error or access violation: Column 'codser' found in more than one table -- need a correlation name] in EXECUTE("select sch_registro.cedcon,sch_registro.fecreg,sch_registro.hf,sch_registro.hi,cantidad,sch_registro.codcli,codproy,codser,codmod,nota,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_us,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,sch_consultor.nomcon,sif_clientes.nomcli,sch_servicios.denser,sch_modulos.denmod from sch_registro inner join sch_consultor on sch_registro.cedcon=sch_consultor.cedcon inner join sif_clientes on sif_clientes.codcli=sch_registro.codcli inner join sch_servicios on sch_servicios.codser=sch_registro.codser inner join sch_modulos on sch_modulos.codmod=sch_registro.codmod where sch_registro.cedcon='0000000001'") (2008-08-18 15:05:40) sqlanywhere error: [S0002: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Column not found: Column 'tp_us' not found] in EXECUTE("select sch_registro.cedcon,sch_registro.fecreg,sch_registro.hf,sch_registro.hi,cantidad,sch_registro.codcli,codproy,sch_registro.codser,sch_registro.codmod,nota,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_us,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,sch_consultor.nomcon,sif_clientes.nomcli,sch_servicios.denser,sch_modulos.denmod from sch_registro inner join sch_consultor on sch_registro.cedcon=sch_consultor.cedcon inner join sif_clientes on sif_clientes.codcli=sch_registro.codcli inner join sch_servicios on sch_servicios.codser=sch_registro.codser inner join sch_modulos on sch_modulos.codmod=sch_registro.codmod where sch_registro.cedcon='0000000001'") (2008-08-18 16:02:42) sqlanywhere error: [23000: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Integrity constraint violation: Primary key for table 'sch_registro' is not unique] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sch_registro(cedcon,fecreg,hi,hf,cantidad,codcli,codproy,codser,codtiphor,codmod,fecsys,nota,tcpip,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,facturable,contabilizado,codofi,numfac,mie) VALUES ('0000000001','2009-01-08','3:00 AM','12:15 AM','2.00','0000000003','2','0000000024',NULL,' SPG','2008-08-04','tetetee','wwss','2','efhegfhef
','dededed','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1'), ) (2008-08-19 10:06:58) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert 07/08/2008 to a timestamp] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM sch_registro WHERE cedcon = '0000000001' and fecreg = '07/08/2008' and hi = '12:15 AM' and hf = '2:45 AM', ) (2008-08-19 10:42:14) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert to a timestamp] in EXECUTE("select sch_registro.cedcon,sch_registro.fecreg,sch_registro.hf,sch_registro.hi,cantidad,sch_registro.codcli,codproy,sch_registro.codser,sch_registro.codmod,nota,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,sch_consultor.nomcon,sif_clientes.nomcli,sch_servicios.denser,sch_modulos.denmod from sch_registro inner join sch_consultor on sch_registro.cedcon=sch_consultor.cedcon inner join sif_clientes on sif_clientes.codcli=sch_registro.codcli inner join sch_servicios on sch_servicios.codser=sch_registro.codser inner join sch_modulos on sch_modulos.codmod=sch_registro.codmod where sch_registro.cedcon='0000000001' and sch_registro.fecreg=''") (2008-08-19 10:42:16) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert to a timestamp] in EXECUTE("select sch_registro.cedcon,sch_registro.fecreg,sch_registro.hf,sch_registro.hi,cantidad,sch_registro.codcli,codproy,sch_registro.codser,sch_registro.codmod,nota,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,sch_consultor.nomcon,sif_clientes.nomcli,sch_servicios.denser,sch_modulos.denmod from sch_registro inner join sch_consultor on sch_registro.cedcon=sch_consultor.cedcon inner join sif_clientes on sif_clientes.codcli=sch_registro.codcli inner join sch_servicios on sch_servicios.codser=sch_registro.codser inner join sch_modulos on sch_modulos.codmod=sch_registro.codmod where sch_registro.cedcon='0000000001' and sch_registro.fecreg=''") (2008-08-19 10:42:16) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert to a timestamp] in EXECUTE("select sch_registro.cedcon,sch_registro.fecreg,sch_registro.hf,sch_registro.hi,cantidad,sch_registro.codcli,codproy,sch_registro.codser,sch_registro.codmod,nota,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,sch_consultor.nomcon,sif_clientes.nomcli,sch_servicios.denser,sch_modulos.denmod from sch_registro inner join sch_consultor on sch_registro.cedcon=sch_consultor.cedcon inner join sif_clientes on sif_clientes.codcli=sch_registro.codcli inner join sch_servicios on sch_servicios.codser=sch_registro.codser inner join sch_modulos on sch_modulos.codmod=sch_registro.codmod where sch_registro.cedcon='0000000001' and sch_registro.fecreg=''") (2008-08-19 10:42:32) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert to a timestamp] in EXECUTE("select sch_registro.cedcon,sch_registro.fecreg,sch_registro.hf,sch_registro.hi,cantidad,sch_registro.codcli,codproy,sch_registro.codser,sch_registro.codmod,nota,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,sch_consultor.nomcon,sif_clientes.nomcli,sch_servicios.denser,sch_modulos.denmod from sch_registro inner join sch_consultor on sch_registro.cedcon=sch_consultor.cedcon inner join sif_clientes on sif_clientes.codcli=sch_registro.codcli inner join sch_servicios on sch_servicios.codser=sch_registro.codser inner join sch_modulos on sch_modulos.codmod=sch_registro.codmod where sch_registro.cedcon='0000000001' and sch_registro.fecreg=''") (2008-08-19 10:42:32) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert to a timestamp] in EXECUTE("select sch_registro.cedcon,sch_registro.fecreg,sch_registro.hf,sch_registro.hi,cantidad,sch_registro.codcli,codproy,sch_registro.codser,sch_registro.codmod,nota,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,sch_consultor.nomcon,sif_clientes.nomcli,sch_servicios.denser,sch_modulos.denmod from sch_registro inner join sch_consultor on sch_registro.cedcon=sch_consultor.cedcon inner join sif_clientes on sif_clientes.codcli=sch_registro.codcli inner join sch_servicios on sch_servicios.codser=sch_registro.codser inner join sch_modulos on sch_modulos.codmod=sch_registro.codmod where sch_registro.cedcon='0000000001' and sch_registro.fecreg=''") (2008-08-19 10:42:45) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert to a timestamp] in EXECUTE("select sch_registro.cedcon,sch_registro.fecreg,sch_registro.hf,sch_registro.hi,cantidad,sch_registro.codcli,codproy,sch_registro.codser,sch_registro.codmod,nota,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,sch_consultor.nomcon,sif_clientes.nomcli,sch_servicios.denser,sch_modulos.denmod from sch_registro inner join sch_consultor on sch_registro.cedcon=sch_consultor.cedcon inner join sif_clientes on sif_clientes.codcli=sch_registro.codcli inner join sch_servicios on sch_servicios.codser=sch_registro.codser inner join sch_modulos on sch_modulos.codmod=sch_registro.codmod where sch_registro.cedcon='0000000001' and sch_registro.fecreg=''") (2008-08-19 10:43:24) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert to a timestamp] in EXECUTE("select sch_registro.cedcon,sch_registro.fecreg,sch_registro.hf,sch_registro.hi,cantidad,sch_registro.codcli,codproy,sch_registro.codser,sch_registro.codmod,nota,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,sch_consultor.nomcon,sif_clientes.nomcli,sch_servicios.denser,sch_modulos.denmod from sch_registro inner join sch_consultor on sch_registro.cedcon=sch_consultor.cedcon inner join sif_clientes on sif_clientes.codcli=sch_registro.codcli inner join sch_servicios on sch_servicios.codser=sch_registro.codser inner join sch_modulos on sch_modulos.codmod=sch_registro.codmod where sch_registro.cedcon='0000000001' and sch_registro.fecreg=''") (2008-08-19 10:44:32) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert to a timestamp] in EXECUTE("select sch_registro.cedcon,sch_registro.fecreg,sch_registro.hf,sch_registro.hi,cantidad,sch_registro.codcli,codproy,sch_registro.codser,sch_registro.codmod,nota,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,sch_consultor.nomcon,sif_clientes.nomcli,sch_servicios.denser,sch_modulos.denmod from sch_registro inner join sch_consultor on sch_registro.cedcon=sch_consultor.cedcon inner join sif_clientes on sif_clientes.codcli=sch_registro.codcli inner join sch_servicios on sch_servicios.codser=sch_registro.codser inner join sch_modulos on sch_modulos.codmod=sch_registro.codmod where sch_registro.cedcon='0000000001' and sch_registro.fecreg=''") (2008-08-19 10:46:54) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert 0000-00-00 to a timestamp] in EXECUTE("select sch_registro.cedcon,sch_registro.fecreg,sch_registro.hf,sch_registro.hi,cantidad,sch_registro.codcli,codproy,sch_registro.codser,sch_registro.codmod,nota,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,sch_consultor.nomcon,sif_clientes.nomcli,sch_servicios.denser,sch_modulos.denmod from sch_registro inner join sch_consultor on sch_registro.cedcon=sch_consultor.cedcon inner join sif_clientes on sif_clientes.codcli=sch_registro.codcli inner join sch_servicios on sch_servicios.codser=sch_registro.codser inner join sch_modulos on sch_modulos.codmod=sch_registro.codmod where sch_registro.cedcon='0000000001' and sch_registro.fecreg='0000-00-00'") (2008-08-19 11:08:25) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert 19/08/2008 to a timestamp] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM sch_registro WHERE cedcon = '0000000001' and fecreg = '19/08/2008' and hi = '9:10 AM' and hf = '2:20 PM', ) (2008-08-19 11:08:25) sqlanywhere error: [37000: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Syntax error or access violation: near 'like' in ...sif_clientes where [like] '%%'] in EXECUTE("select codcli,nomcli from sif_clientes where like '%%'") (2008-08-19 18:12:21) sqlanywhere error: [37000: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Syntax error or access violation: Column 'codcli' found in more than one table -- need a correlation name] in EXECUTE("select sch_registro.cedcon,sch_registro.fecreg,sch_registro.hf,sch_registro.hi,cantidad,sch_registro.codcli,codproy,sch_registro.codser,sch_registro.codmod,nota,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,sch_consultor.nomcon,sif_clientes.nomcli,sch_servicios.denser,sch_modulos.denmod from sch_registro inner join sch_consultor on sch_registro.cedcon=sch_consultor.cedcon inner join sif_clientes on sif_clientes.codcli=sch_registro.codcli inner join sch_servicios on sch_servicios.codser=sch_registro.codser inner join sch_modulos on sch_modulos.codmod=sch_registro.codmod where sch_registro.cedcon='0000000029' and sch_registro.fecreg='19/08/2008' and codcli='0000000003'") (2008-08-19 18:13:19) sqlanywhere error: [37000: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Syntax error or access violation: Column 'codcli' found in more than one table -- need a correlation name] in EXECUTE("select sch_registro.cedcon,sch_registro.fecreg,sch_registro.hf,sch_registro.hi,cantidad,sch_registro.codcli,codproy,sch_registro.codser,sch_registro.codmod,nota,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,sch_consultor.nomcon,sif_clientes.nomcli,sch_servicios.denser,sch_modulos.denmod from sch_registro inner join sch_consultor on sch_registro.cedcon=sch_consultor.cedcon inner join sif_clientes on sif_clientes.codcli=sch_registro.codcli inner join sch_servicios on sch_servicios.codser=sch_registro.codser inner join sch_modulos on sch_modulos.codmod=sch_registro.codmod where sch_registro.cedcon='0000000029' and sch_registro.fecreg='19/08/2008' and codcli='0000000003'") (2008-08-19 18:15:00) sqlanywhere error: [37000: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Syntax error or access violation: Column 'codcli' found in more than one table -- need a correlation name] in EXECUTE("select sch_registro.cedcon,sch_registro.fecreg,sch_registro.hf,sch_registro.hi,cantidad,sch_registro.codcli,codproy,sch_registro.codser,sch_registro.codmod,nota,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,sch_consultor.nomcon,sif_clientes.nomcli,sch_servicios.denser,sch_modulos.denmod from sch_registro inner join sch_consultor on sch_registro.cedcon=sch_consultor.cedcon inner join sif_clientes on sif_clientes.codcli=sch_registro.codcli inner join sch_servicios on sch_servicios.codser=sch_registro.codser inner join sch_modulos on sch_modulos.codmod=sch_registro.codmod where sch_registro.cedcon='0000000029' and sch_registro.fecreg='19/08/2008' and codcli='0000000003'") (2008-08-19 18:16:32) sqlanywhere error: [37000: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Syntax error or access violation: Column 'codcli' found in more than one table -- need a correlation name] in EXECUTE("select sch_registro.cedcon,sch_registro.fecreg,sch_registro.hf,sch_registro.hi,cantidad,sch_registro.codcli,codproy,sch_registro.codser,sch_registro.codmod,nota,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,sch_consultor.nomcon,sif_clientes.nomcli,sch_servicios.denser,sch_modulos.denmod from sch_registro inner join sch_consultor on sch_registro.cedcon=sch_consultor.cedcon inner join sif_clientes on sif_clientes.codcli=sch_registro.codcli inner join sch_servicios on sch_servicios.codser=sch_registro.codser inner join sch_modulos on sch_modulos.codmod=sch_registro.codmod where sch_registro.cedcon='0000000029' and sch_registro.fecreg='19/08/2008' and codcli='0000000003'") (2008-08-19 18:19:21) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert 19/08/2008 to a timestamp] in EXECUTE("select sch_registro.cedcon,sch_registro.fecreg,sch_registro.hf,sch_registro.hi,cantidad,sch_registro.codcli,codproy,sch_registro.codser,sch_registro.codmod,nota,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,sch_consultor.nomcon,sif_clientes.nomcli,sch_servicios.denser,sch_modulos.denmod from sch_registro inner join sch_consultor on sch_registro.cedcon=sch_consultor.cedcon inner join sif_clientes on sif_clientes.codcli=sch_registro.codcli inner join sch_servicios on sch_servicios.codser=sch_registro.codser inner join sch_modulos on sch_modulos.codmod=sch_registro.codmod where sch_registro.cedcon='0000000029' and sch_registro.fecreg='19/08/2008' and sch_registro.codcli='0000000003'") (2008-08-20 09:25:07) sqlanywhere error: [08001: Connection error to server 'facturacion' with user 'dba'] in CONNECT(facturacion, '****', '****', db_facturacion_sigesp) (2008-08-20 09:25:12) sqlanywhere error: [08001: Connection error to server 'facturacion' with user 'dba'] in CONNECT(facturacion, '****', '****', db_facturacion_sigesp) (2008-08-20 09:25:17) sqlanywhere error: [08001: Connection error to server 'facturacion' with user 'dba'] in CONNECT(facturacion, '****', '****', db_facturacion_sigesp) (2008-08-20 09:25:22) sqlanywhere error: [08001: Connection error to server 'facturacion' with user 'dba'] in CONNECT(facturacion, '****', '****', db_facturacion_sigesp) (2008-08-20 09:25:27) sqlanywhere error: [08001: Connection error to server 'facturacion' with user 'dba'] in CONNECT(facturacion, '****', '****', db_facturacion_sigesp) (2008-08-20 09:25:32) sqlanywhere error: [08001: Connection error to server 'facturacion' with user 'dba'] in CONNECT(facturacion, '****', '****', db_facturacion_sigesp) (2008-08-20 10:03:12) sqlanywhere error: [08001: Connection error to server 'facturacion' with user 'dba'] in CONNECT(facturacion, '****', '****', db_facturacion_sigesp) (2008-08-20 12:30:08) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert 20/08/2008 to a timestamp] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM sch_registro WHERE cedcon = '0000000029' and fecreg = '20/08/2008' and hi = '8:00 AM' and hf = '11:00 AM', ) (2008-08-20 12:30:08) sqlanywhere error: [37000: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Syntax error or access violation: near 'like' in ...sif_clientes where [like] '%%'] in EXECUTE("select codcli,nomcli from sif_clientes where like '%%'") (2008-08-20 13:05:57) sqlanywhere error: [08001: Connection error to server 'facturacion' with user 'dba'] in CONNECT(facturacion, '****', '****', db_facturacion_sigesp) (2008-08-20 13:06:02) sqlanywhere error: [08001: Connection error to server 'facturacion' with user 'dba'] in CONNECT(facturacion, '****', '****', db_facturacion_sigesp) (2008-08-20 13:06:20) sqlanywhere error: [08001: Connection error to server 'facturacion' with user 'dba'] in CONNECT(facturacion, '****', '****', db_facturacion_sigesp) (2008-08-20 16:27:29) sqlanywhere error: [23000: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Integrity constraint violation: Primary key for table 'sch_registro' is not unique] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sch_registro(cedcon,fecreg,hi,hf,cantidad,codcli,codproy,codser,codtiphor,codmod,fecsys,nota,tcpip,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,facturable,contabilizado,codofi,numfac,mie) VALUES ('0000000029','2008-08-20','4:00 PM','6:00 PM','2.00','0000000006','','0000000015',NULL,' SPI','2008-08-20','xxxx','wwss','','undefined','undefined','0','0','1','0','1','1','1','1','1','1'), ) (2008-08-20 16:45:39) sqlanywhere error: [23000: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Integrity constraint violation: Primary key for table 'sch_registro' is not unique] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sch_registro(cedcon,fecreg,hi,hf,cantidad,codcli,codproy,codser,codtiphor,codmod,fecsys,nota,tcpip,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,facturable,contabilizado,codofi,numfac,mie) VALUES ('0000000029','2008-08-20','2:00 PM','4:00 PM','2.00','0000000003','098','0000000012',NULL,' SPI','2008-08-20','Actividad 34
','wwss','Johny','undefined','undefined','1','0','0','0','1','1','1','1','1','1'), ) (2008-08-20 16:46:10) sqlanywhere error: [23000: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Integrity constraint violation: Primary key for table 'sch_registro' is not unique] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sch_registro(cedcon,fecreg,hi,hf,cantidad,codcli,codproy,codser,codtiphor,codmod,fecsys,nota,tcpip,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,facturable,contabilizado,codofi,numfac,mie) VALUES ('0000000029','2008-08-20','2:00 PM','4:00 PM','2.00','0000000003','098','0000000012',NULL,' SPI','2008-08-20','Actividad 34
','wwss','Johny','undefined','undefined','1','0','0','0','1','1','1','1','1','1'), ) (2008-08-20 16:46:22) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert 20/08/2008 to a timestamp] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM sch_registro WHERE cedcon = '0000000029' and fecreg = '20/08/2008' and hi = '6:00 PM' and hf = '4:00 PM', ) (2008-08-20 16:46:23) sqlanywhere error: [37000: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Syntax error or access violation: near 'like' in ...sif_clientes where [like] '%%'] in EXECUTE("select codcli,nomcli from sif_clientes where like '%%'") (2008-08-20 16:46:28) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert 20/08/2008 to a timestamp] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM sch_registro WHERE cedcon = '0000000029' and fecreg = '20/08/2008' and hi = '2:10 PM' and hf = '11:10 AM', ) (2008-08-20 16:46:28) sqlanywhere error: [37000: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Syntax error or access violation: near 'like' in ...sif_clientes where [like] '%%'] in EXECUTE("select codcli,nomcli from sif_clientes where like '%%'") (2008-08-20 16:46:33) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert 20/08/2008 to a timestamp] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM sch_registro WHERE cedcon = '0000000029' and fecreg = '20/08/2008' and hi = '12:00 PM' and hf = '8:00 AM', ) (2008-08-20 16:46:33) sqlanywhere error: [37000: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Syntax error or access violation: near 'like' in ...sif_clientes where [like] '%%'] in EXECUTE("select codcli,nomcli from sif_clientes where like '%%'") (2008-08-20 16:46:37) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert 20/08/2008 to a timestamp] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM sch_registro WHERE cedcon = '0000000029' and fecreg = '20/08/2008' and hi = '12:50 AM' and hf = '12:10 AM', ) (2008-08-20 16:46:37) sqlanywhere error: [37000: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Syntax error or access violation: near 'like' in ...sif_clientes where [like] '%%'] in EXECUTE("select codcli,nomcli from sif_clientes where like '%%'") (2008-08-20 16:47:47) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert 20/08/2008 to a timestamp] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM sch_registro WHERE cedcon = '0000000029' and fecreg = '20/08/2008' and hi = '12:50 AM' and hf = '12:10 AM', ) (2008-08-20 16:50:41) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert 20/08/2008 to a timestamp] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM sch_registro WHERE cedcon = '0000000029' and fecreg = '20/08/2008' and hi = '12:50 AM' and hf = '12:10 AM', ) (2008-08-20 16:51:27) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert 20/08/2008 to a timestamp] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM sch_registro WHERE cedcon = '0000000029' and fecreg = '20/08/2008' and hi = '12:50 AM' and hf = '12:10 AM', ) (2008-08-20 16:52:58) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert 20/08/2008 to a timestamp] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM sch_registro WHERE cedcon = '0000000029' and fecreg = '20/08/2008' and hi = '6:00 PM' and hf = '4:00 PM', ) (2008-08-20 16:53:05) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert 20/08/2008 to a timestamp] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM sch_registro WHERE cedcon = '0000000029' and fecreg = '20/08/2008' and hi = '' and hf = '', ) (2008-08-20 16:53:13) sqlanywhere error: [07006: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Restricted data type attribute violation: Cannot convert 20/08/2008 to a timestamp] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM sch_registro WHERE cedcon = '0000000029' and fecreg = '20/08/2008' and hi = '12:00 PM' and hf = '8:00 AM', ) (2008-08-20 17:00:31) sqlanywhere error: [37000: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Syntax error or access violation: near 'GROUP' in ... [GROUP] BY s.codser,s....] in EXECUTE("SELECT codser,s.denser+' CLASIFICACIÓN-> '+ts.dentipser as tipom FROM sch_categoriaconsultor cc,sch_categoria ct,sch_cs cs,sch_tiposervicio ts,sch_servicios s WHERE cc.codcatcon=ct.codcatcon AND ct.visible=1 AND cs.codcatcon=ct.codcatcon AND cc.seleccion=1 AND cs.codtipser=ts.codtipser AND ts.visible=1 AND ts.codtipser=s.codtipser AND s.visible=1 AND cc.cedcon='0000000029'; GROUP BY s.codser,s.denser,ts.dentipser ORDER BY s.codser") (2008-08-20 17:01:37) sqlanywhere error: [37000: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Syntax error or access violation: near 'GROUP' in ... [GROUP] BY s.codser,s....] in EXECUTE("SELECT codser,s.denser+' CLASIFICACIÓN-> '+ts.dentipser as tipom FROM sch_categoriaconsultor cc,sch_categoria ct,sch_cs cs,sch_tiposervicio ts,sch_servicios s WHERE cc.codcatcon=ct.codcatcon AND ct.visible=1 AND cs.codcatcon=ct.codcatcon AND cc.seleccion=1 AND cs.codtipser=ts.codtipser AND ts.visible=1 AND ts.codtipser=s.codtipser AND s.visible=1 AND cc.cedcon='0000000029'; GROUP BY s.codser,s.denser,ts.dentipser ORDER BY s.codser") (2008-08-20 18:10:23) sqlanywhere error: [23000: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Integrity constraint violation: Primary key for table 'sch_registro' is not unique] in ADODB_Error_Handler(INSERT INTO sch_registro(cedcon,fecreg,hi,hf,cantidad,codcli,codproy,codser,codtiphor,codmod,fecsys,nota,tcpip,solicitante,problema,solucion,tp_usu,tp_sis,tp_nrq,tp_imp,aprobado,facturable,contabilizado,codofi,numfac,mie) VALUES ('0000000029','2008-08-20','2:00 PM','6:00 PM','4.00','0000000002','','0000000014',NULL,' SPI','2008-08-20','Reporte de Nomina
','wwss','','undefined','undefined','1','0','0','0','1','1','1','1','1','1'), ) (2008-08-22 18:29:15) mysqlt error: [1146: Table 'db_sfp_2008.scg_saldos' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO scg_saldos (codemp, sc_cuenta, fecsal, debe_mes, haber_mes ) VALUES ('0001','Object id #36','2008-08-22',0,0)") (2008-08-22 18:39:27) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'undefined' in 'where clause'] in ADODB_Error_Handler(DELETE FROM spe_plan_ingresos WHERE ano_presupuesto = undefined and spi_cuenta = '305010301' and codemp = '0001', ) (2008-08-25 09:27:23) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 09:27:23) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 09:27:23) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 09:27:23) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 09:27:23) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 09:27:24) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 09:27:53) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 09:32:27) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:18:21) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:18:21) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:18:21) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:18:21) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:18:21) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:18:21) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:18:22) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:18:22) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:18:23) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:18:23) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:18:23) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:18:23) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:18:23) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:18:24) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:18:24) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:18:26) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:18:26) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:18:26) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:18:26) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:18:26) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:18:26) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:18:27) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:18:27) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:18:36) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:26:23) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:26:23) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:26:23) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:26:23) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:26:24) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:26:24) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:26:31) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:26:31) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:26:31) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:26:31) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:26:31) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:26:32) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:26:32) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:38:02) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:38:02) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:38:02) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 10:38:05) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-25 11:56:29) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'scg_cuentas.status' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select sc_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from sigesp_plan_unico where sc_cuenta like '5%' and scg_cuentas.status='C'") (2008-08-25 11:56:32) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'scg_cuentas.status' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select sc_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from sigesp_plan_unico where sc_cuenta like '%' and scg_cuentas.status='C'") (2008-08-25 11:56:32) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'scg_cuentas.status' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select sc_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from sigesp_plan_unico where sc_cuenta like '3%' and scg_cuentas.status='C'") (2008-08-25 11:56:36) mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'scg_cuentas.status' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select sc_cuenta as codigo,denominacion from sigesp_plan_unico where sc_cuenta like '1%' and scg_cuentas.status='C'") (2008-08-25 15:49:14) mysqlt error: [2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', db_sfp_2008) (2008-08-30 11:07:57) mysqlt error: [1146: Table 'db_sfp_2008.sfp_conversiones' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("select * from sfp_conversiones") (2008-08-30 11:07:57) mysqlt error: [1146: Table 'db_sfp_2008.sfp_conversiones' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("select * from sfp_conversiones")