{ options: [ {value: "the_adventures_of_tom_sawyer", text: "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"}, {value: "the_dead_zone", text: "The Dead Zone"}, {value: "the_first_men_in_the_moon", text: "The First Men in the Moon"}, {value: "the_girl_who_loved_tom_gordon", text: "The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon"}, {value: "the_green_mile", text: "The Green Mile"}, {value: "the_invisible_man", selected: "1", text: "The Invisible Man"}, {value: "the_island_of_doctor_moreau", checked: "1", text: "The Island of Doctor Moreau"}, {value: "the_prince_and_the_pauper", checked: "1", text: "The Prince and the Pauper"}, {value: "the_running_man", text: "The Running Man"}, {value: "the_talisman", text: "The Talisman"}, {value: "the_time_machine", text: "The Time Machine"}, {value: "the_tommyknockers", text: "The Tommyknockers"}, {value: "the_war_of_the_worlds", text: "The War of the Worlds"} ] }