{ template: { input: "#capital#, #country#", columns: [ {header: " ", width: 40, css: "flag", option: ""}, {header: "Capital", width: 80, css: "capital", option: "#capital#"}, {header: "Country", width: 110, css: "country", option: "#country#"}, {header: "Proverb", width: 250, css: "proverb", option: "#proverb#"} ] }, options: [ {value: "1", text: { flag: "../common/flags/austria.png", country: "Austria", capital: "Vienna", proverb: "Two wrongs don't make a right" } }, {value: "2", text: { flag: "../common/flags/belarus.png", country: "Belarus", capital: "Minsk", proverb: "The pen is mightier than the sword" } }, {value: "3", text: { flag: "../common/flags/cameroon.png", country: "Cameroon", capital: "Yaoundé", proverb: "Actions speak louder than words" } }, {value: "4", text: { flag: "../common/flags/canada.png", country: "Canada", capital: "Ottawa", proverb: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" } }, {value: "5", text: { flag: "../common/flags/china.png", country: "China", capital: "Beijing", proverb: "No man is an island" } }, {value: "6", text: { flag: "../common/flags/czech_republic.png", country: "Czech Republic", capital: "Prague", proverb: "Don't bite the hand that feeds you" } }, {value: "7", text: { flag: "../common/flags/denmark.png", country: "Denmark", capital: "Copenhagen", proverb: "Fortune favors the bold" }, selected: true }, {value: "8", text: { flag: "../common/flags/finland.png", country: "Finland", capital: "Helsinki", proverb: "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst" } }, {value: "9", text: { flag: "../common/flags/germany.png", country: "Germany", capital: "Berlin", proverb: "Better late than never" } }, {value: "a", text: { flag: "../common/flags/britain.png", country: "Great Britain", capital: "London", proverb: "One man's trash is another man's treasure" } }, {value: "b", text: { flag: "../common/flags/hungary.png", country: "Hungary", capital: "Budapest", proverb: "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer" } }, {value: "c", text: { flag: "../common/flags/italy.png", country: "Italy", capital: "Rome", proverb: "When in Rome, do as the Romans" } }, {value: "d", text: { flag: "../common/flags/us.png", country: "United States", capital: "Washington", proverb: "A picture is worth a thousand words" } } ] }